Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

O/T where I was in '68...


Active Member
long,long time ago ('68-'69) I spent my time here in Hq&Hq. Co. illesheim,Germany
First in the motor pool then a Hawk missile crewman sitting on a hill watching
the east germans
And even Wayyyyyy before that('65-'66) Camp Rose,Korea..
1/72d Armor 2nd.Inf.Div.
this pic was a couple of miles away...
I was only 6 in 68 but my dad got out of the Army that year and worked on the Hawk missile radar. Then went to work for Raytheon on the radar.:rolleyes::sorry:
In 68 I was living at the bottom of a beer can, Back from Nam about 10 months - and just getting it back together. Started College in 69 after I sobered up.
Racing FWSA circuit. Never good enough for US Ski Team trials. 3 years later, stopped crashing and started teaching at Squaw Valley.
In 1968 I was 25 years old and thought I finally finished my T-Bucket when I got it licensed and was able to drive it on the street. Boy was I ever mistaken, 41 years, 3 engines, 3 transmissions and tons of other parts later and I'm still working on it.
I was 5 years old. :rock: in '68
LumenAl said:
Starting my Sophomore year at Thousand Oaks High School. :

Al,I always knew you were a SoCal boy....even if it was the valley....
Telman2 said:
In 1968 I was 25 years old and thought I finally finished my T-Bucket when I got it licensed and was able to drive it on the street. Boy was I ever mistaken, 41 years, 3 engines, 3 transmissions and tons of other parts later and I'm still working on it.

Now that is just too funny, :rock: but I completely undetstand.
HAceT said:
MAAAAANNNN.......sure is alot of ummmmm how do I say this politely....oh yeah "Experience" around here......:rock::lol:

I was negative 1.......

Buddy, experience is just another word for "having made a lot of mistakes" :eek:

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