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Off topic, but not too far

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I rest my care.....................she looks mean, but damn good to boot.................. :hooray:

Thats the first Subi I have seen with the right stance... ever
Dang,,,,,,,,,,,4 yards of material went to that suit..............................Sure glad I had had my first cup before I saw that.......Good Night......! :cripple:

I'm guessin if she sings this thread will be over.


Do us a favor and remove those pics. Ya had a good thing going here. No need for the disruption. I like the gal in the rain........from the neck down reminds me of the who I see at home every day.
Do us a favor and remove those pics. Ya had a good thing going here. No need for the disruption. I like the gal in the rain........from the neck down reminds me of the who I see at home every day.
I had put together a collection of about 140-150 images and was trying to post one a day. Others were posting images they had found, some of which were images I had set aside for future posts. It's been getting confusing for me, trying not to duplicate what others had already posted. I think I'll just bow out of this one and let everyone else keep the ball rolling.

I liked the lassie in the rain, too. She reminds me of a girl I dated, back in the Dark Ages. I often wondered if I screwed up, letting her get away. So, in her memory, I'll post one, more image to this thread and then I'll go away and leave you fellows to your own devices. On behalf of all single men, wheresoever they might be dispersed -

Damn look at them legs............................ :kiltdance:

Me to.
Anyone else want to fill this page

Bla Bla
Must be getting close
OK here's mine.............................
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