Guys the topic is a bit edgy. But edgy is OK, so long as we don't go over the top with it. As the mods who have visited our IPB 3.2.0 Beta 2 (yeppers, we're now on Beta 2!) can attest, I posted an image in the gallery over there that I decided was a bit much for this site. lincolnuT would have chewed his tongue in two, had I posted it here.
The issue here was primarily the hot-linking. If someone has an image stored on their Web site and we just add that image's link into IMG tags over here, every time the image is loaded here, it uses up the server resources over there. I block hot-linking, ever since I found a fellow in England who was hot-linking all my smilies from another one of my forums. Every stinkin' time someone viewed one of his forum's posts with a smilie in it, that added to my transfer numbers. I asked him, politely, to stop stealing my bandwidth and he ignored me. So, I closed the forum momentarily and dumped an image decrying him as a thief into every request I got from him. Within 30 minutes, I had an apology from him. I told him he was welcome to use the smilies, but he could store them on his server and not my own. Please don't hot-link from other sites, unless it is your own site or a specific file-sharing site like Photobucket. Fair is fair, after all.