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Off topic, but not too far

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That's the only way he can fly!!!
I think "he" was curious as I am!...........Legs................Damm............. :dance:
That ain't the version I have on my ZZ DVD but its good enough for me.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh the original Daisy Duke, what more can I say.
NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it all leads to the action.............................floor furnaces tooooooooo.. :bugle: :devil: :thumb: :tnku:
May not matter if you drink more beer than you should........................... :eek:hthedrama: :rolleyes:

Nice looking legs anyway.....

I'm afraid this forum has taking on a bit of a very different direction than just T-Buckets then when I signed up.... I must say.

Yes, I'm regeristing a complaint.

In spite of the addition of new members, the improvements to the site provided by Mike and associates, the fact that many here provide financial support to advance our interests, the gentle manner of members, the respect shown by members to members, the excellent information provided by members, the photos to support building techniques the technical articles et al etc., why has it taken so long to introduce something we all seem to really enjoy and know we must have? And yes gents, be sure to thank Mike, just making it better with every one of his new posts. Beer is Best But Babes are Better.... they're so cute when they're young.

I liked the little lady in blue (was she waearing something?***) from one of my favorite movies, "Apocalyspe Now"...." I love the smell of Nadine in the morning" I sure would like to meet Nadine someday.

As I recall, "Apocalypse Now" was a sequel to ... ah, you know that one with Clint Eastwood ? Oh darn, now my excellent memory fails me. I have an excellent memory. it's just real short. Oh maybe it was Lee Marvin?
Yeah, Lee Marvin. Oh gosh, what was the name of that movie? I know you've seen it, it's just an earlier version of "Apocalyse Now"... Oh yeah, now I remember it was "Paint Your Wagon".

*** Are going back to the video again?
ORF, I accept full responsibility for being completely negligent and remiss in my duties, by not starting this topic months ago. I intend to repent for my transgressions by posting regularly to this topic for the next 3 months or so. :nod:

The pretty ones are drinking from a Keg and he's a bottle baby?...........I don't think he can handle them and he is in trouble........

where is the syrup bottle..........? O' I had to look again but it is there................. :suicide: :hiding:

Mike I will play along just to keep members coming back............LOL

OH to be that young again and know what I know now!!! But the GIRLS of today are way different than in my past!!! Still a good time could be had by all!!! LOL
In 1962 when I finished school I do NOT remember any girls that looked like that period........If they had looked like that I would still be there!

I would not be old and slow but, and here is an understatment, she.s got great assets...................... :kiltdance: :hooray:
In 1962 when I finished school I do NOT remember any girls that looked like that period........If they had looked like that I would still be there!

I would not be old and slow but, and here is an understatment, she.s got great assets...................... :kiltdance: :hooray:

HE!! He!! Me too!!!!
Can you make the pics bigger, Im missing out on the all important detail. Shes cute
Can you make the pics bigger, Im missing out on the all important detail. Shes cute

Gerry, I thought my eyes were bad,

but when I get to look at someone that good looking my eyes get much better and just look at them legs.................................Don't get me wrong I would like bigger .................I just dream alot............ :fidget: :devil:
You know the same as I do that bigger pics are easier to look at. Save all the hassle of right click save etc etc...

There is something very sexy about a cute girl... almost as nice as seeing a really tight T where every angle is right.

Even at 50 plus you can have a real cute T that will love you back, although its in its younger days. If you get my meaning.

Build a T. Its yours for life; no argument.

Now cute girls. A different story
You are right............nice..............and you only broworry them.......
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