I've spent 5-6 hours, over the last couple days, trying to sort what could possibly be happening. And I've learned exactly nothing. For every Mozilla help post I can find saying FF6 won't work, there are a half-dozen replies saying it works a treat. I found a post reporting someone was having similar problems with Firefox 4. Did anyone report this problem here, when using FF4?
I've tried to find a way to duplicate the issue. No hope. I've tried multiple browsers, on multiple machines. No hope. I've visited multiple Invision 3.2.x sites, with multiple browsers, on multiple machines. No hope. I've scoured the Invision company forums, trying to find anyone reporting a similar problem. One (count 'em - one, uno, ein, singular) user reported having problems uploading an XML file to his site, using FF6. Other than that, no hope. I found one 'tech' forum, where someone said they were having a similar problem. One of the technogeeks replied by pointing out that the Java Console is not compatible with FF6.
Look, that is Firefox 6, with absolutely NO Java Console installed at all. Yet, the forum still works 100%. So much for the technogeek, eh? Screw those idiots, an operable Java Console shouldn't mean a damn thing, because we're talking javascript here.
I don't get it. I run operating systems most people are scared to even test, but I never have problems. I run software most people are scared to even try, but I never have problems. I admit to avoiding questionable Web sites, but after 30+ years online, I am still waiting for my first computer virus. With the exception of the laptop, my computers are only powered down when the local power company has problems. And on the two machines here in the office, the browsers are rarely ever closed, unless I am moving to another version of the same browser. But I never have problems. I clear cache at least once a day, and sometimes as often as 3 times a day. If I do use Windows, then I run CCleaner and Ad-Aware, at least once a day, and often as much as twice a day. I defrag my Windows drive at least once a week. I take care of my computers. And I never have problems. Some people spend 2-3 hours a day online. I am generally in this chair a minimum of 12 hours a day. And that number often stretches to as much as 16 hours a day. I use the Hell out of my computers. But I never have problems. I'm still seeing about one member a week, suffering the Windows/Internet Explorer update blues. I never had that problem. Now TubT and putz can't post images from FF6. I don't have that problem. TubT can't edit posts from FF6. I don't have that problem.
How many of you have cleared your browser's cache in the last 24 hours?
How many of you Windows users have run CCleaner in the last 24 hours?
How many of you Windows users have run Ad-Aware in the last 24 hours?
How many of you have taken the time to ensure your operating system is up to date, in the last 24 hours?
How many of you have taken the time to ensure other scripts and programs are up to date, in the last 24 hours?
I've done all of those things. Now maybe I'm anal about my computers. But I'm the one who's not having computer/operating system/program problems.