Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

OK, I give up

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OK, I went to the Java test sight you suggested. It says my Java is working fine. Javascript is enabled in FireFox. I was one version back on Java, so I downloaded the newest version and installed it, after which I killed all my old versions.

Now let's see.


So the photo insert is now working (just as it did the last time I tried it).

Now, an attempt to edit.

EDIT: This is an edit for a test.

Works. So, if I were just going to take a stab in the dark, I would guess at a conflict between some older Java version and this web site. And, as I said before, there are so many variables in the interaction between computers that almost any change will cause trouble for a few users.

So, the only changes I made was switching to FF7 and upgrading one version (?.26 to ?.27) in Java.

It's a little like when I worked at McDonald's. The word from corporate was that any ingredient they added to a menu item would probably kill 10 people in the USA. That's because will all the customers they serve, that many people will be sensitive to anything they add.

Change a line of code, and you will get some conflicts.
So, if I were just going to take a stab in the dark, I would guess at a conflict between some older Java version and this web site.


Since Day One, I've been proving, time and time again, on multiple machines and on multiple operating systems, I have been using Firefox 6 without any problems, whatsoever. Look back through this topic and point out one (not twelve, not three, not even two, but just ONE) instance where I have had problems with FF6. And I am using the 1.6.0_26 plug-in, as you can see above. Oh, wait, I forgot. You haven't actually seen any of it, have you?

And you clearly missed what I pointed out in Post 38.

Screw those idiots, an operable Java Console shouldn't mean a damn thing, because we're talking javascript here.
You didn't read that at all, did you? The know-it-all techies kept looking to Java as being the issue. And I was stupid enough to get sucked in on that one. The functions on this site had nothing to do with Java, they are javascript.

Everything works. Everything has always worked. Remember when I posted this image?


Did you even take the time to look at that image? My money is riding on "No".

fordsbyjay was the smart one. Clear back in Post 22, he pointed out that the problems existed on your end, were not server-side and washed his hands of it all. Me, I thought you actually wanted help. Stupid Mike, stupid Mike, stupid Mike.

But you know, you're absolutely right. It's something wrong with this Web site. It's something about FF6 and this Web site. It's something about some older Java version and this Web site. Hell, I'm betting it's something about days ending in 'y' and this Web site. Because no one else can get functions on this Web site to work in Firefox 6. Not a single one of us. The above picture? It doesn't really exist. It's being done with smoke, mirrors and FM, because you have proven to me that Firefox 6 will not work with this Web site. I've lied throughout this entire thread. I've not successfully tested Firefox 6 on any other Invision 3.2.x sites. I've not successfully tested Firefox 6 and Firefox 7 on any other computers. I've not successfully tested Firefox 6 and Firefox 7 on any other operating systems. I edited the above picture to make you think Firefox 6 really does work on this site.

Why I wasted hours, trying to sort our your client-side problem, is beyond comprehension. All I needed do was sit back and take stabs in the dark. Go figure. That's me, revising my diagnostic strategies. Somebody kill the lights, willya, I've some stabbing to do.

Ron, for you or anyone else who might be interested in Aurora or Beta releases of Firefox, visit this Mozilla page. Firefox 7 is the current Beta release and Firefox 8 is the current Aurora release. If you want to walk the high wire, you can find downloads for the Nightly builds on this Mozilla page. Firefox 9 is the current Nightly build. And it is stable, I've not had any updates since 18 August, so it's really not so scary.

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