Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Paradise, Texas Newby Here


New Member
Hello all,

I've wanted a T-Bucket since I first met someone in Tulsa, Oklahoma that built them as a hobby. His T-Buckets were very simple but I fell in love with his creations. I'm now 59 and I finally bought a 1923 T-Bucket. It drives well but is extremely loud and isn't street legal yet. I need to replace the Zoomie headers to headers that can be fit to a side pipe. That's going to be my first project with this one as soon as I trailer it home.

It's nice to see so many of you are T-Bucket enthusiasts! I think this is going to be a fun ride...pun intended. I hope to talk with many of you moving forward.

God bless all!

Welcome aboard,

Lots of wonderful, experienced, and sharing folks here.

Whatever questions you might have, likely someone has the answer.
Glad you're here, Johnny! What engine do you have in your bucket? BTW, I'm one of the weirdos who likes the noise!

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Welcome from the state that's round on the ends and hi in the middle. I too always wanted a bucket. It's now in final stage of assembly.
Otherwise known as the land of potholes. I know because I lived there until I retired and moved to sunny Florida.

Welcome from California.

Where people are leaving in droves to the practical states.

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