Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

park loc

I like the cable-operated parking/emergency brake because it is a good back-up to the hydraulic brakes in case of failure. In fact, I did all of my initial test driving (not on public streets) using only the e-brake because I could not get a pedal on my hydraulic brakes and I was eager to try out the new build! Turned out I had a bad master cylinder (rebuilt POS!).
Kinda says it all....." Not recommended for use as an emergency brake."
Most states want a cable type e-brake. If for some reason you lose your master cyl. you would have nothing...
Another thing that would deter me from using it is that it can't be used with DOT 5 fluid. Both of my street rods are using DOT 5.


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