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Anyone here a pin striping artist?

Is it something you can learn or are you born with the ability.

68 years old is probably to old to start, although it may be easier than selecting a carburetor for a 350 Chevy.
I've been pinstriping for a while now. I think it's something anyone can learn but definitely comes a little more naturally to someone who's artistic. I first started when I was young and living in California. I learned from a close friend, Alan Smith, who is a fairly well known striper on the West Coast. He does a lot of work for Rod Powell, John D'Agostino as well as some other West Coast builders. It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I actually took it pretty serious. When I was in art school in college, I would just sit around and listen to music and stripe everything I could get my hands on. The best way to learn is to pick up a Mack brush and some 1 Shot and start practicing. Alan Johnson and Herb Martinez both have some really good books on striping that will go through the essentials like how to load your brush properly. I've always tried to be careful and not rip anyone else's work off and come up with my own style. You can look at other's work for ideas, but I'd stay away from copying their stuff. Skratch and Von Dutch have been two of my biggest influences. There's a lot of artists out there to check out depending on the style that you are into. Skratch, Alan Johnson and Von Hot Rod are all really good with traditional style striping. Some of the lowrider painters like Danny D, Jonathan Mercado, etc, are pretty amazing stripers as well as some of the guys from Japan like Boo and Makato do some killer work.
Here's some of my stuff. The signs are really fun to do. I feel you can get a whole lot more creative with the signs but they're also SO much harder to do.1604493_10200693795666836_583203521_n.jpg 1477444_10200365377776594_1806520155_n.jpg 1551621_10200629758305942_120129885_n.jpg 10285838_10201199238302586_1910180586561358398_o.jpg 1527049_10200564186226681_118827414_n.jpg 1530491_10200617070108745_134942280_n.jpg
Pinstriping is lots of fun. I'm not very good at it, but I really enjoy playing with a Mack brush and 1 Shot. It takes a lot of practice to be good enough to earn money, but just learning is fun as well.
I was always told that a good striper's signature can be covered with a dime and be perfectly readable. The fellow I know would pinstripe Matchbox and Hot Wheels for kids at shows when he didn't have anything else to do.

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