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Racthet RIde

Doesn't anybody stick weld anymore ??

Yes Dave I do that as well. This new welder is also a stick welder as well as a Tig. I use stick at work on my heavy equipment such as bulldozers etc when it's available. Share it with our parent company. Grew up with stick welding but started mig welding in furniture factory. However, stick welding has become a dying art I will give you that. Sort of like asking if anyone uses a pay phone anymore though. lol
Decided on using a under floor mounted brake master cylinder. Called Ron Pope to get his 2 cents on that and suddenly realized while telling him I had bent my pitman arm to clear frame I had somehow messed up the spline end, that the spline end is tapered and I had bent it i the wrong direction. I thought I had stretched the end and that was the reason it wouldn't go onto shaft. Ugh..... I don't know if I should be comfortable bending it back and into the right direction. Got to pay attention to detail a little better. Sometimes I work on this after a 10 hour day at work and I think I get into a bit of a hurry. The funny part to me is how it "suddenly" came to me as I was telling Ron about it. lol
Maybe it's time to take break and do a through review of your project. You know, step back, look at it for a while, recheck those "that's good enough or that'll do" repairs or modifications.

Maybe the month of December could be a time for reflection, again saying thanks for what we have and where we are are.

Sometimes there are too many distractions. Too much multitasking.

In anticipation of the upcoming Christmas season, take the time to reflect.

Maybe it's time to take break and do a through review of your project. You know, step back, look at it for a while, recheck those "that's good enough or that'll do" repairs or modifications.

Made a couple mistakes but that happens. My goal is to have a driving car for the NTBA National event in Indy. No I won't rush the project but I needed to set a goal. The car will be driving come spring and that should give me plenty of time to work out bugs and get licensed. If not, I will trailer it to the show. Barring any "life changing events" that is the goal and plan. I have made a couple mistakes and have had to redo a few things. But that is why we do tack welds. Interior will take me the longest from this point but I am doing a bare bones interior. Simple clean and straightforward. I don't have the skill sets to do elaborate interior and that's okay.

On the goal thing, I put a dry erase board in the shop. Best thing I ever did. I give myself a goal each week. Also I have a section on the board for parts and supplies I need. Also put the same parts list on my phone. Now when I am out and about I can pick up a few things I need. Been really helpful so far!
Putting a parts list on the phone is a good idea. Now I just need someone to remind me to look at my phone.
Sometimes it's 1 step forward and 2 steps back , you're in the "grind' part of the build where it doesn't look like you're getting anything done. keep grinding , you'll get it done.
I sent a pitman arm out to be chromed and when it returned I realized there wasn't enough room to bolt drag link to it. It needed to be offset and in my rush I forgot to bend it before shipping it off. Cost me a few extra bucks to clean it up and have it re plated
Am I missing something here? I can't post any pictures. There use to be a upload image button but I no longer see that.
I use photobucket for storage. Click on the picture you want to post. At the right of picture, double click on the bottom line, which is IMG. That copies the url. Then paste into your reply. I save most of my picture at about 100kbs, before uploading to photobucket... Simple once you do it a couple of times.
Hope this helps, Lee
I'm having the exact same problem for months, even with a PM I can include a pic. Sure wish someone would fix the problem.

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