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Relocating my tie-rod

Mikes Bucket

New Member
I spent some time today relocating my tie-rod. I've always wanted the tie-rod behind the axle. Would have preferred to have it below the chassis and radius rods, but there's just no room to do that with my setup. Thought I'd share some photos.

My "old" setup used Total Performance lower steering arms and a Speedway upper steering arm. Tie-rod was 3/4" O.D.

My new setup uses CCR upper steering arms. The driver's side arm doubles as a tie-point for both the tie rod and drag-link. Since the new tie-rod needed to be a different length, I shortened an "old" drag-link I had lying around(sounds like those magazine budget build-ups where they happen to have a blown big-block just lying around the shop). So, my tie-rod is now 7/8" O.D., which makes my 3/4" front radius rods look puny. The tie-rod is now 2.5" above the top of my spring perch.

To make the CCR arms work with my Speedway GM-metric brake kit, I had to rotate the calipers toward the back a few degrees by swapping the caliper brackets from left-to-right, and rotating them to place the calipers where they needed to be.

In a few years, I'll let you know how it drives........

Nice to see another guy on here using a dropped "I" beam. I thought about using the CCR setup. Please let us know.... in a few years:eek: how it drives.
Glad to see your pics. Those are the brakes and steering I was wanting to use. I was either going to use the Super Bell's chrome power stopper dust shields or use a silver zinc plated dimpled-drilled and slotted rotor.
Hi Mike, That is lookin very clean now. and you do not need a big flat washer on the top of the steering arms... now you need to mount your steering box on top of the frame to get your pitman arm up away from the ground, as that can be disasterous if it hits anything while moving, especially the ground.. Had a friend lose a finger that way... I think you will like this setup much better... Hope you RRs are heavy wall, being only 3/4 OD. Although I ran them for several years...
Ted Brown said:
Hi Mike, That is lookin very clean now. and you do not need a big flat washer on the top of the steering arms... now you need to mount your steering box on top of the frame to get your pitman arm up away from the ground, as that can be disasterous if it hits anything while moving, especially the ground.. Had a friend lose a finger that way... I think you will like this setup much better... Hope you RRs are heavy wall, being only 3/4 OD. Although I ran them for several years...

Thanks for the comments, Ted. The washers were temporary and I replaced them today. One of the hazards of trying to put a hot rod together on a Sunday, in a small town, with one hardware store, and it's closed; you sometimes gotta make do with what ya' got !

My pitman arm is 6 inches off the ground, by the way. Not sure if I'm going to change that yet. It'll be awhile before I'm ready to drive, so I'll think about it.

Next on my list are brake lines and front shocks.


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