Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Restoring 1970's California T-bucket with Tube Frame

Here is where I ended up installing the fan relay. The relay will turn the fan on with a temp of 185 automatically or it can be turned on manually from the cockpit. I also installed a blue power light when the switch is in the on position.

Here is the on and off switch with the blue power light.

I have been having trouble uploading my pictures so I will try later.


There is my photobucket picture and I can't edit it to delete it. It could be on my end as I have never had trouble posting a picture before.. Please feel free to delete the above red X
I usually load all my photos from an offsite album but at your suggestion, I uploaded off of PhotoBucket. I have been putting this at the begining....
The first img comes out black and the last turns out blue
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