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Restoring A T bucket that sat 10 + years

There's a 3 way switch on the dash was going to just leave it if it works out okay, but so far everything has been problems, just one thing after another but it's too hot to do much driving this time of the year. It's 80 out right at 100% humidity at 9 am
Yeah, Florida. But you love it in the winter time. Every place has something to deal with. I guess you choose your pain. Hot, cold, snow, rain, floods tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.
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Yeah, Florida. But you love it in the winter time. Every place has something to deal with. I guess you choose your pain. Hot, cold, snow, rain, floods tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.
I went out this morning 27 miles took a lady friend she just loved my T , we ate breakfast out a took a ride after everything seems to be coming together, I did replace both front break hoses then had a thunderstorm so I am not sure if this has corrected the slight pull to the left , I also tried swapping hubs from one side to the other same problem, next will be wheel cylinders
After replacing shoes , drums had been bead blaster , replaced front hoses that I had to have made , I had my brother in law push on the peddle without drums on , the right side break never moved. Replaced both front cylinders, and adjusted all 4 wheels again, will test drive in the morning but I am positive this will take care of the pulling left .
Note: all the wheels did bleed as normal but that right hand break never moved .
Could be a chance that only the brake shoe side with less resistance moved, without anything to stop its travel. Regardless, good idea to replace the cylinders anyway.
Keep us posted on the outcome.
Car is still pulling left , I don't know what else to do , everything on the break system is now new
I adjusted up the right side a little see if that makes any difference
Might be time to get another pair of eyes to look over the situation. Any other hotrodders live nearby? Friend who does brake jobs?o_O

PS - Before you put the drums back on, did you verify that the shoes on the right side move when you depress the pedal?
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Might be time to get another pair of eyes to look over the situation. Any other hotrodders live nearby? Friend who does brake jobs?o_O

PS - Before you put the drums back on, did you verify that the shoes on the right side move when you depress the pedal?
I turned the wheel and it stopped dead when hitting breaks
Did the right side cylinder not move after you bled the brakes? That would be weird.
Right side would bleed but shoes didn't move when the breaks applied, I was sure that was the problem but still doing the same thing
Might be time to get another pair of eyes to look over the situation. Any other hotrodders live nearby? Friend who does brake jobs?o_O

PS - Before you put the drums back on, did you verify that the shoes on the right side move when you depress the pedal?
There's a man about 25 miles from here that has several older Chevys but he owns a garage and not sure he will look at it but I am going to ask him for some suggestions
I still think if you put the left drum on, leave the right one off, then pump brakes and see if the right one moves. If the left one for some reason moves easier than does the right, the right one may not move. If they both will stop the tires from turning with brakes applied, and one is still grabbing while driving, one of them must be out of adjustment, or a line could be obstructed on side that does not grab, but not completely blocked, just obstructed. The one with no resistance would be the stronger brake, and grab.
Every time (once!) I pushed the pedal with no drum on it spit both slave cups out and I had to rebuild them........again!
That's what happens of you slam on the brake pedal when there are no drums to back up the shoes!
Been there. Done that, too.
Wheel cylinder perhaps if the shoes do not move when pressure is applied if you say you bled the system first. Fluid will bypass the plunger in the wheel cylinder if it is stuck and can still bleed the system.

Have gotten many NEW parts that were bad!!

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