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shock mount problem


I have the 3 position shock mount for the rear axle from Speedway. This weekend I removed the shocks and notices that where the 1" diameter spacer bent the metal in the middle of the mount. How do I solve this problem. Do I make a bigger diameter spacer, add a 1/4" backup plate in the shock mount, or both. This the mockup rear axle, so I want the fix the good rear end before it is installed.


I had the same shock mounts on mine with no problem. Are our shocks bottoming out? How long is the spacer? If it's too long it could act as a lever/pry bar and cause it to bend. A reinforcing plate would help it hold its integrity but I would look to see what caused the problem first. I don't think that should have happened.
I agree with Steve you have an other issue going on there.And the 1/4" backer plate wont hurt but you need to dig deeper.One thing about the 1/4" plate is your shock mount bolt will prolly be to short.

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