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shopping for front ends...


New Member
Looking on the net for front ends and I see "spring over" and "spring behind" all over the place... but, I don't know what that means or which one I should be shopping for. The pics look identical.

Please forgive the new guy questions.

My plan (today) is to get a 27 frame from spirit then next month get my rear end (junkyard) and suspension and then... front end. So I've got time to figure it out.

it means just how it sounds spring in the rear the car is in da weeds.Spring over the car sits higher in the front.Hope this helps
Here is a spring-behind set-up. The spring attaches behind the axle to the radius rod brackets using shackles and a spring pivot.


Here is a spring-over, where the spring mounts above the axle at the top of the radius rod bracket.

It's better to ask those questions now than later. Don't worry, you'll make a wrong purchase before you're done. We've all done it. it's just part of the learning curve.

Youngster said:
It's better to ask those questions now than later. Don't worry, you'll make a wrong purchase before you're done. We've all done it. it's just part of the learning curve.


That's why I'm here! My budget won't allow for too many (or too big) mistakes.
That's a great front end for beginers or even finishers.


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