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Speedway turn signal - - early failure ?


Bought an Speedway turn signal unit:
Heavy Duty Turn Signal Switch

Part # 91062860, about 2 months ago.

Wired it according to their diagram and everything was working fine.

Brake lights stopped working month later, I thought it was the pressure switch, so changed to an electric switch.

Got 3 "brake lights on" when testing the pedal 3 times, then nothing after that.

Still no brake lights, so I started testing for voltage all along the path with elec. brake switch out of the loop and the wires twisted together/connected.

Plenty of voltage into the turn signal, but nothing coming out for the brake lights.

However, when emergency flashers are on, the brake filament lights up on the dual filament rear bulbs (I discovered the brake lights and emerg. flasher lights share the same wire on each side).

Thought about just wiring around the turn signal switch to the brakes until I read this:
Railroad stated in an earlier post: Your brake lights have to go thru the turn signal. The turn signal flasher interrupts the brake light circuit when the brakes are on.

Anybody else had short lifespan with this Speedway item ?

My guess is I need to return the turn signal to Speedway, if they won't warrantee it have to buy another one.

I do have fused circuits on everything.
Check for ground ... or lack of ... can have some strange things happen when not grounded or a loose ground.
I had a Speedway switch on my car when I first built it. It failed pretty quick. Lasted a couple of months, then quit working. I replaced it with a similar unit that I bought at a local 18 wheeler supply store. It's a much heavier duty part, but mounts and wires exactly the same. Seems like it cost around 40 bucks or so. It's been working for almost 6 years now.

Their turn signal switch is probably made by the same off shore company as their mechanical brake switch which is subject to very early failure. I know because I've replaced mine and a couple for some other guys and then I put one on my T like I have on my '37 that I got from Ron Francis and no more problems.

Their turn signal switch is probably made by the same off shore company as their mechanical brake switch which is subject to very early failure. I know because I've replaced mine and a couple for some other guys and then I put one on my T like I have on my '37 that I got from Ron Francis and no more problems.


Whose turn signal switch did you replace with that finally gave good service ?
Whose turn signal switch did you replace with that finally gave good service ?

I have a turn signal unit from a truck. It is an old one but has never failed me.

Hey man! I have the same turn signal switch and I have had a few odd things happen too. Looked at that Ron Francis switch. Man! That thing is expensive! Says to use a three prong flasher. If a three prong is used, how do ya mount it? Also, using led lights.
Sure would like to have something simple, quick, reliable, and not so expensive.
Oh well. Guess I'll go with this one until it craps out.
I like that one a lot. Now, my Rebel wire kit came with two prong flasher. How do ya mount the three prong flasher remotely?

I like that one a lot. Now, my Rebel wire kit came with two prong flasher. How do ya mount the three prong flasher remotely?


My signal switch is wired independently from the wiring kit. All you need is fused power to "X". Ignore the flasher in the fuse panel. Of if possible, see if you could rewire the fuse panel for a 3 prong flasher. I don't have a Rebel kit so I don't know if that is possible.
I like that one a lot. Now, my Rebel wire kit came with two prong flasher. How do ya mount the three prong flasher remotely?


If you look at the diagram I posted in the previous thread there is a note there about using the 2 prong flasher.

Yes sir, I did that, and as soon as I turned the ign. key on the flasher would start clicking non stop. The switch would work, but that flasher kept clicking when switch was in neutral . Cut the wire, no more clicking. Sometimes the lights on right turn won't work.
I think I want to get a better switch and a three prong flasher and make it right

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