Thanks for all the replies.
Fletcherson is right, all I have to lose at this point is some research time online. I'm looking at each suggestion. Like Butch27 said, I would greatly prefer to make no modifications to the frame.
RPM and another also suggested looking into relocating the starter. I've searched and searched to no avail yet....I've seen over years of posts on websites a few interested in relocating the starter with no success. I have to wonder though, if it was possible would it be worth drilling and tapping into a completed engine for the starter mount, relocating my oil filter, and modifying my exhaust?
I'm interested in the corvair steering box suggestion, but again the exahust issue... maybe someone could post a link or some corvair box specs. I'd hate to spend money needlessly.
Also, I haven't had much luck searching for short, intermediate shafts between steering joints, as have been suggested. Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology. Any suggestions for that and any websites???
Lastly, IF I were to move my vega box slightly further out, closer to the frame, would I be creating any steering problems or altering any steering geometry (if it exists!) negatively?
Much thanks,