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Steering Column through the floor.

I will snap some pics of my leftover parts for a reference. If you look at my old build thread, in the photo section, there were pictures of the conversion but I am not sure what if anything survived the photo share site fiasco.

Hey, thanks! I was thinking of asking but my clicking finger went dead for some reason, happens to me all the time. Seriously, I'd like to see them. Photobucket sure pulled a fast one on many thousands of people and ruined possibly millions of once very informative and entertaining pictures, hope most wised up and manage their own photos. Lesson, what's "free" today on the internet will be held for ransom tomorrow. Looks like Youtube is cooking something up.
Hey, thanks! I was thinking of asking but my clicking finger went dead for some reason, happens to me all the time. Seriously, I'd like to see them. Photobucket sure pulled a fast one on many thousands of people and ruined possibly millions of once very informative and entertaining pictures, hope most wised up and manage their own photos. Lesson, what's "free" today on the internet will be held for ransom tomorrow. Looks like Youtube is cooking something up.
I would have never used them but it was the prescribed method of posting pics on here back then. Either after the game today, or as soon as I get out to the barn I will dig the stuff out and get some pics.
Gerry - Click on your name in your avatar to bring up your profile page; click on "postings" then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "all threads by Gerry" :) It worked for me!

Nothing.... get my posts but not the threads....
I am currently building a bucket with a straight up column. I used a rack and pinion from a dirt late model stock car. It was built by Sweet Manufacturing in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I got mine from Ebay, but they are available new for about $800. I built my own steering column from a piece of tubing. It has a piece of 3/4 inch round stock for a shaft, with a plate welded on top for the steering wheel. It uses a weld on Sweet universal joint at the bottom, and a lawn mower wheel bearing at the top. I used a steering wheel from a 1963 Chevy Nova. As you mentioned, I mounted the column several inches inboard of the frame rail to gain some left leg room, especially for getting in and out. I haven’t driven it yet, but it seems like the steering works very well sitting in the garage.


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The position and angle looks a lot like my setup. If I ever redid my bucket, that would be one of the first things I would change. It’s a pain to get in and out with that damn column right where it is. I always get my foot stuck right there while climbing in. In my case it’s live and learn. Now I’ve learned. I’d never do that again! Just sayin’
I just think it looks cool that way. I agree climbing in and out is a bit awkward, especially if you have a top on the car, which I don’t plan on doing. I think the foot and leg room seems good while you are sitting in it though. To each their own. If we all built identical T-Buckets it would get really boring!
By the way, Sweet Manufacturing is actually in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The owner and founder of the company, Randy Sweet, passed away a couple weeks ago. But the company plans to continue conducting business as usual.
I have no problem while I’m driving my bucket as it is. The only thing is the entry and exit, especially with the top on. I find it easier to get in and out from the passenger side and swing my leg over the steering wheel. Once I have my butt parked in the drivers seat I’m good to go.
Driver50x, how are you going to get to the wheels? I’m using rack and pinion and plan on a bell crank at the front to change fore and aft to left and right. I had that on my avatar and it worked great. It also gives the opportunity to change steering ratio.
You can put an awful lot of work and time into a steering column...

over 150 hours of my time to do this..

Steering oct 08 (60) [640x480] [640x480] (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG

Steering column final (38) [640x480] [640x480] (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG

detent3 (7) [640x480] [640x480].JPG

detent4 (22) [640x480] [640x480] (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG

detent6 (10) [640x480] [640x480] (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG

under chassis shot.JPG
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Appreciate your reply, its more than I deserve.

Bbut its more down to not being able to get what I want from the market place. I thank my dad who had me turning a piece on his lathe when I was 5 years old and telling me "that engineering is in the head" (mind) of the people who want to do it.

If you can see it you can make it..
Old Round Fart,
I am using a drag link with a couple of bends in it to get underneath the frame rail. Your bell crank idea sounds pretty good though. Do you have any pictures of it?


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