Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

T Bucket Build Thread

Alright... so i got a shipment in last night of my two front wheels. my two rear wheels will be in today and so will my tires.. Going to drop them off today and the guy is going to put them on today that way we have a rolling chassie.. everything is going great.. got the headlight brakets weleded on last night and he finally did all of the final welds last night after talking to ron pope about somethings.. everything is moving smoothly.. when it comes back to my house it will be time to work on the body.. gonna need a lot of advice on how to do that.. any one have a HOW TO?

Also sent the engine to the engine shop to have it all cleaned up and the heads redone.. once i get it back it will be nice and shiny and ready for some Black Paint..
Hey everybody.. Been a while since i have posted on here.. a lot going on.. thought i was going to have to sell the tbucket to take care of something but a friend loaned me the money on the bucket so i didnt have to.. works out great for me.. No progress on the bucket.. going to pick it up today from the guy who was SUPPOSED to work on it and make it a rolling chassie but he never did.. So i am getting it today.. i will post pics this week of the build process.
well had a few more set backs.. the guy who did all the work.. forgot to put the parts back and well know he cant find the.. Go figure.. Amazing how brake pads come up missing.. Thanks to ron he got me some parts i need coming.. Question.. Does anyone have a picture of Ron Pope front ends all assembled?

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