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tfeverfred's project

Ok, there is an old saying, "Poverty is the mother of invention." If it's not a saying, it is now. I don't have a lot of money to put into my T Bucket and I never did from the get go. I did, however, know what I wanted it to be when it was finished. I wanted a basic, no frills hot rod, that would be safe, run good and make me smile. So far, it has done all those things and more.

My original plan, even though I almost changed it, was to have a black exierior and a red & black interior. Now, I know what would look GREAT. A nice, plush red vinyl seat and door panels and a black carpet. The problem is, I can't afford that right now. I also want a Dodge color called "black pearl" on the exterior. I can't afford that either. I do, however, want to drive my T Bucket and have it look presentable. A lot of advice was given about going without paint or an interior till it can be done. Well, that is what I am going to do for now. The white gelcoat on the body is in fairly good shape. It is also strong enough that wooding isn't needed. Only a few scrapes, but I just couldn't see myself rolling with no interior. It's just not me. So, this weekend, I got the same vinyl I had found at WalMart and used it for my side panels. I was going to make a thin foam backing so it would be nice and smooth and have a little plushness to it. Then, I thought, why not just apply the vinyl to the panel directly? I really wasn't going to gain anything as far as plushness with an 1/8" of foam anyway. So, that's what I did. I used upholstery spray adhesive and applyed as per the instructions. I think it looks great. It has a nice texture due to the semi-smoothness of the fiberglass. The faux grain in the vinyl helps the look quite a bit. What I'm REALLY proud of is the shifter boot I sewed last night. *pats self on back* It really looks good next to the black carpet. The chrome frame piece is from a shifter boot assembly that I found at AutoZone.




The black carpet was a universal type I at O' Reilly auto parts. I had to glue it to the trans hump, but the driver and passenger sides are held in place with velcro. I still need my steering column and emergency brake handle to be installed and the ability to remove the carpet for them will be needed. Plus, if I decide to keep it, and I probably will, they will be easy to remove and clean.

All said, it's about as 'low buck" as you can get, but it looks better than nothing at all. I'm happy with it and in the end, that's whats really important. Down the road, I'll have the bucks for a REAL interior and I may get one done or not. I kinda like the way this works. If something really yucky gets spilled on it, it's a snap to replace. So, the utility and practcality work out great. I'm building a driver and that's what she'll always be. I want to be able to have fun and not sweat ruining anything that will cost a lot to replace.

Pure, no frills funmobile.
Looks good Fred, nice job.
VegasBruce said:
Looks good Fred, nice job.

Thanks, Bruce. Does it show that I REALLY want to get on the road as soon as possible?:lol:
Sure does, Just waiting to see how you've decided to do the windshield.
VegasBruce said:
Sure does, Just waiting to see how you've decided to do the windshield.

14" straight up. My main concern was the glass bowing. It's no longer a concern.;)
tfeverfred said:
14" straight up. My main concern was the glass bowing. It's no longer a concern.;)

That will look good, I'm running a 20" 2 piece. At some point I'll probably take off the top half, I ride a Harley most of the time so the wind is not a concern. The wife likes it though.
looks good my friend.
I've got a quick and easy fix for your alt. bracket.
I'll look up the pic and directions.
Track-T said:
looks good my friend.
I've got a quick and easy fix for your alt. bracket.
I'll look up the pic and directions.

But, I like my alternator bracket.:confused:
Nice work Fred

I just ordered my radiator today and will be getting my headers by the end of the month. Should be running first week in March. Looks like I'll be on the road by the end of June. I'd like to make the bucket bash this year.

Hey fred, everything looks like it's coming along pretty quickly for you. The one thing I'm looking forward to what your'e going to do for your bed just wondering. I wish I had the engery your'e showing. Mine is coming along slowly a little at a time. Maybe if we got rid of this sub zero weather mine would progress quicker. Thanks Lar:)
I'm not going to run a bed. Just a gas tank. I'd like a Moon tank, but they want.....$490!:eek: I'll probably be using the square one like Total uses. I saw pics of the way it looked in Donsrods build pics of his sons blue T. I thought it looked cool painted and will probably do the same.
Fred... MAS has spun aluminum tanks for about $125 with shipping.
Youngster said:
Fred... MAS has spun aluminum tanks for about $125 with shipping.

With ALL the fittings I'll need?
Nothing wrong with the bracket,I've got the same one with the same
clearance problem.
If you drill a 3/8" hole 3/8" to the right and make a new rear bracket
from 3/16" aluminum it will move the bracket over towards the dampner
(1/4" clearance) and leave more room to adjust the belt.
the pic shows the hole before filling the old hole.
Oooooh kay. Now I see what you were talking about. Yea, that's a VERY doable idea. Thanks a lot!:)

The Karma on this site is truly strong.
tfeverfred said:
With ALL the fittings I'll need?

Youngster, by fittings what I meant was the provision for the sending unit for the guage. Would I need to have one installed?

That would be a "fitting" instead of "fittings".:)
As far as the aluminum tank Fred, has aluminum 11 gallon tanks for $135.00.They also have all kinds of other tanks you might be interested in.If your an alliance member on the other"site",you will get free shipping and 5% off too...:)
The MAS tank has a filler neck and an out line on the bottom. The 12" oak dowl with 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 marked on it is optional. Just kidding!! One in and One out, that's it.
Brujerizmo said:
As far as the aluminum tank Fred, has aluminum 11 gallon tanks for $135.00.They also have all kinds of other tanks you might be interested in.If your an alliance member on the other"site",you will get free shipping and 5% off too...:)

WOW! Thanks for the link! They have EXACTLY what I need!:D
Here it is! A repop of the Model T tank. They have the original looking, screw in cap and brackets too. Freaking awesome!:)


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