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tfeverfred's project

PaulR said:

She looks GREAT!!! I will have to stop by again and take a peek at her.


Anytime you want! She's a sucker for attention!:lol:
Look Into My Eyes!

Look into the eyes of the Hypno Bucket! You are falling into a trance. You will continue to work on your T Bucket! You will ignore people who tell you you're crazy. You will drive fast and spin your tires! You wil.... eh. Enough of that.

Today, the headlight brackets that RPM was making for me showed up. It took me no time to install them and check the look. And yes, I did take them for a "test drive"!;):lol:

The look I wanted was basic and simple. I also wanted a way to route the headlight wires down and toward the bottom of the frame without using conduit, where eventually they will tie into signal wires that will run behind the bottom of my grill shell and out of sight. I asked that the support tube be made hollow and RPM suggested to use a "cup" as the base. The wires go into the cup and through the support tube and exit just below the frame.


I forgot to tell RPM that I think I have an older set of Dietz lights that LumenAl gave me. :oThe wires exit out of the rear of the housing instead of the mounting bolt, so I'll have to drill a 1/4" hole in the backside of the cup, but even then, only about 1 1/2" of wire will show and that will be covered in black shrink wrap. Other than that boo boo on my part, they came out GREAT! If you'll notice, the lights are a little more forward than usual. I wanted them to appear to be moving forward in order to give the optical illusion of speed or motion. I will also paint the brackets black to make it seem as though the lights are floating.


Also of note are the cups that go under the headlights. if you'll remember, I didn't have those and was going to use an alternate way to hold the lights in place. As luck would have it, a member of the HAMB came to the resue. VAPHEAD not only sent me the cups at no charge, but he also has a shop and I will be buying my rear Model A tail lights and brackets from him in thanks for his kindness. He is out of a shop in Colorado called Riley Automotive. Here is a link to the website:

There is no denying the skills of RPM as well as a few other members on this site and others. These guys are not only hot rodders, they are FRIENDS. I could very easily have gotten brackets from one of the big companies, but they already have enough of my money, plus these brackets and even the light cups have soul, man. They came out of the caring and or skills of the individual. So, try to use these guys. Not only do they do GREAT work, but in my opinion, NOTHING can equal the "human touch".

Thanks, LumenAl, RPM and VAPHEAD!

Now, back to the hypno Bucket! You will spread the word to others! You will cruise at ALL cost! YOU WILL BE A BUCKETHEAD!:lol:

P.S.: Don't she look like she's smiling from the front view!:lol:
Oh, the wires are tucked inside the headlight bodies for these pics.
Nice Fred, Miss Behavin' is looking good. :cool: If your not careful your going to finish her one of these days. Then what are you going to do with all that spare time. :lol:
VegasBruce said:
Nice Fred, Miss Behavin' is looking good. :cool: If your not careful your going to finish her one of these days. Then what are you going to do with all that spare time. :lol:

Build a Speedster. I'm already putting ideas together!:lol:
Dennis Bynum said:
By the looks of things, when ours is side by side yours will put mine to shame! (this summer?)

No, actually, smart people and fellow T Bucketeers will be able to see that we have two different styles and taste. That's what's so cool about these cars. Unless you're an artist of some sort, you will never have the chance to show your innerself. These cars are different because each person is different that builds them. Each person puts a bit of themself into it. A lot of times, you won't even know you're doing it. So, man, you can park next to me anytime and we'll make fun of the cookie cutter, trailer queens!:lol: Bring popcorn. I love popcorn when I stare at trailer queens. All dolled up and fighting over a corner spot in the parking lot. Hah!
butch27 said:
Fred: That car gets better looking every day.

Thanks, man. I appreciate that.

One time, I took my girl to a little local cruise. My car was just a bare chassis with an incomplete frontend, so I was just another spectator. Well, when we sat down, I was telling the owner of a car that my girl really liked his. He asked her what she liked about it, to which she replyed, "It looks like it has a happy face! The lights are the eyes and that axle thing is a smile! It's cute!" Well, those guys turned their heads and didn't speak to us the rest of the time we were there! I explained to her later that a hot rod is a lot of things, but it ain't supposed to be CUTE!:lol:

Secretly, they are though.;) Just keep it to yourself.:lol:
VegasBruce said:
Nice Fred, Miss Behavin' is looking good. :cool: If your not careful your going to finish her one of these days. Then what are you going to do with all that spare time. :lol:

tfeverfred said:
Build a Speedster. I'm already putting ideas together!:lol:

That will be cool. :cool:
VegasBruce said:
That will be cool. :cool:

There's a company called, Lang's Old Car Parts, they sell gennie Ford stuff. Engine parts, steel panels and other gennie goodies. they also sell Speedster kits. I'm thinking of something like this:

They sell the steel body and fenders, if ya want 'em.:lol: Cost of the body painted with upholstery is $1,450. I'm not sure if it comes in bare steel. I'd use a 4 banger for power. Parralel frame rails without the kickup and a straight tube axle up front to get the gennie height. It could work, I think.

And then there is this!

They sell this as a complete kit, minus drive train, for $3,995.

Here's a link to their site. I have their new catalog and it's full of cool stuff!

The Speedster kits are on page 132 in their downloadable catalog. They also sell C Cab and depot hack bodies.
Looks really Nice Fred, You did a good job, lots of detail and it looks like you kept to your theme pretty much. thats a problem I have, a little new, a little old, little of jus mee..... Good Job, be proud ! "BH"
That first one is the deal, I like the race look. :lol: Then I go to Langs website, I had to order a catalog. It looks like they sell enough patch panels to put together a C Cab pickup. ;)
VegasBruce said:
That first one is the deal, I like the race look. :lol: Then I go to Langs website, I had to order a catalog. It looks like they sell enough patch panels to put together a C Cab pickup. ;)

They do. Like a lot of things, I found out a lot of info on stuff AFTER I was in my project. My next one will be MUCH better!
VegasBruce said:
That first one is the deal, I like the race look. :lol: Then I go to Langs website, I had to order a catalog. It looks like they sell enough patch panels to put together a C Cab pickup. ;)

Thats where I'm getting the sheet metal for my C-cab:cool:
some of the original metal is kinda rough:sad:

Headlight stands painted

I got up early today and went to work to check out my headlight stands. I prepped and painted them yesturday morning. Today, I filed off the paint on the base of the stand that the light will mount to. Inside the headlight body is the attachment point for the ground wire and I wanted a good connection to the frame for later on when I wire things up. I also picked up two new bolts, lock washers and nuts, that hold the lights in place on the stand. She's looking like she wants to misbehave! :D


The stands are almost unnoticable and make the lights look bigger than they are. They also keep the clean, uncluttered look I wanted.

Thanks again, RPM!
Fred, I suggest that you use a "star" type locking washer where you want a ground. The "teeth" on the star will bite into the metal of both pieces and give you a very good ground.
EX JUNK said:
Fred, I suggest that you use a "star" type locking washer where you want a ground. The "teeth" on the star will bite into the metal of both pieces and give you a very good ground.

Thanks, I'll look for some tomorrow. Then I can do another test drive!:D

She is looking SWEEEEEEET! Do you have any close-ups of the head light brackets? Those look like something I might be interested in.

PaulR said:

She is looking SWEEEEEEET! Do you have any close-ups of the head light brackets? Those look like something I might be interested in.


The pics in post#62 are good. I've got a few more I'm trying to load them now. Give me a minute.

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