I've been a bit quiet lately . . . .
Just kinda waiting for hurricane season to mostly pass before getting too involved with something major and then have another hurricane come up and have to scramble and get caught short . . .
Hurricane season actually ends on Nov 30th, but the real peak of the season ends around the 20th of this month, so I can start ramping up in a couple more weeks.
In preparation for the end of hurricane season, I ordered a second gantry crane, but only the 1000# capacity model this time, so that I can lift the body off the chassis with the top and windshield still in place.
I'd like to have the body off and the engine/trans installed by Halloweenish. assuming no more big storms or hurricanes . .
This one came better packaged then the first one, decent wooden crate and all the parts wrapped in plastic inside, and weighed in at ~300#. (the first one is a 2000# capacity, weighed close to 400#, and IIRC, came in heavy cardboard packaging, that was pretty beat by the time it got here)
The guys at the freight warehouse put it in my truck, but wrestling it out and putting it together pretty much beat this old lady up . .
But the good news is that it's all assembled and works nicely and I'm ready to go for the engine/trans/install.
A few pics of the assembly adventure: