One little bit at a time . . . .
Put a new battery in my little Nisan truck, since it's going to be an integral part of getting the engine off the front porch and into position on the slab to lift into the little car's chassis.
Put a new battery in the Harley and fixed the broken turn signal assembly that got busted in last year's hurricane Dorian, as well as a few other little minor issues. The new cover for it also got here, I'll post a couple pics tomorrow.
Home depot had some small, (2 Amp) battery charger/maintainers on sale for half price, ($12.40) so I bought 3, that way I can have one for each vehicle that doesn't get used regularly
So now that I finally have a nice work surface, I set out to clean up the front porch that's somehow managed to accumulate all manner of house and build related gear and tid bits because I need the space to get the motor off the test-run-stand and back onto a smaller dolly so I can load it into my little truck to move it to the slab, where I can then mount the trans and then put the the engine/trans assembly into the chassis so I can get a measurement and order a driveshaft.
I ordered a new
Engine Dolly from Summit, but it won't get here 'till next week, so in the meantime, I'll be getting everything ready so I can finally do my engine/trans install.
The dolly I already have, is a cheap piece of Chinese shiiit, from Amazon, and I could never get more than 1 forward bolt in each side, and only 1 out of 4 rear bell housing flange bolts would fit.
I do have a plan to re-purpose it with the forward motor mount extensions cut off so it will fit under the skid that the old, (too short) rear end housing is bolted to . . . that way I can roll it around to keep it out of the cherry picker's way while I put the new dolly under the little 632.
I still have the shop press and 1 more engine stand, (once I get the transmission off of it) to put in the storage space, so I'll be doing that in the next few days. The plan is to have everything ready to go once the new dolly from Summit gets here, . . . . . Which will also be about the time that the next couple of tropical storms, (Laura & Marco) will be here.
Gotta love trying to do stuff during the peak weeks of hurricane season . . .
A little progress and a little closer each week . . . . . and since starting today, we went back on
"Stay at Home" Covid 19 status, it looks like I may have all the time I need to make notable progress.
A few pics of the big porch cleanup: