Do you have a plan of attack? In what sequence will you assemble your B-Day present?
Without having it all in front of me, the plan is all pretty loose, but assuming the chassis / suspension and running gear is all assembled . .
I figured the place to start is with setting the engine and trans in place to check angles and measure for a driveshaft and get that ordered. That'll take a while and I can be busy with other things while waiting.
Then look at available space in front of the engine and look at getting the rad and grill shell, the headlights etc. mounted.
The Spirit cars usually put the trans cooler under the body, so installation and plumbing there, . . . I'll also need to run a vacuum line for the brake booster, shifter mount to the trans, so quite a bit to do before setting the body on for the first time.
The body has the steering column pass-thru tube already installed, so dropping in the column and securing the column drop shouldn't be too hard. Since everything is done with jigs and templates, I don't foresee any alignment issues with the column and box.
With the body in place, I can work out the wiring . . . will make it so the body can be unplugged or easily disconnected from the wire bundles to the chassis.
That's the general plan at the moment, always subject to changes induced by new circumstances . . .