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The "Look"


Well-Known Member
Yea, you guys know I'm in love with Norms "Lightnin' Bug", but this T Bucket with a '32 grill shell and flames just knocked me out! I would have gone with the chopped windshield, but this thing is sweet!



Only 2 things wrong with this car:
1 wrong windshield
2 whats wrong with that engine?i cant see a distributer
Rick said:
Only 2 things wrong with this car:
1 wrong windshield
2 whats wrong with that engine?i cant see a distributer

The other engine was a defect with the distributer in the front. This engine is correct with the distrbuter in the right spot. Behind the carbs.:welcome:
Change of topic.
Hey Rick, I been meaning to ask, how's your leg? You moving around okay?
Yea Fred thanks for asking i still get a sharp pain in the old leg but who knows it could be premature old age a creaping up.LOL
I know what ya mean. My body makes funny noise when I first get up in the morning.

Back to topic.
I was looking at model A grill shells and they struck a cord too, but either way, you just about have to use a chopped windshield if you go with a non T shell.
tfeverfred said:
I know what ya mean. My body makes funny noise when I first get up in the morning.

Back to topic.
I was looking at model A grill shells and they struck a cord too, but either way, you just about have to use a chopped windshield if you go with a non T shell.
You HAVE to go with the choped winder for "THE LOOK".
Yea, I tossed around the tall winshield and no matter how I tried, it just didn't work. I think the whole "bit & pieces" way that they were first done, cancels out the gennie windshield.

Hey, yesterday, I installed my steering box and mocked up a steering column. Then I mounted an old Grant wheel I found and took my bucket for a spin up and down the street where I work. No traffic on the weekends. I was only go off idle speed, but this thing is going to be peppy.
tfeverfred said:
I know what ya mean. My body makes funny noise when I first get up in the morning.

Back to topic.
I was looking at model A grill shells and they struck a cord too, but either way, you just about have to use a chopped windshield if you go with a non T shell.

tfeverfred said:
Yea, I tossed around the tall winshield and no matter how I tried, it just didn't work. I think the whole "bit & pieces" way that they were first done, cancels out the gennie windshield.

Hey, yesterday, I installed my steering box and mocked up a steering column. Then I mounted an old Grant wheel I found and took my bucket for a spin up and down the street where I work. No traffic on the weekends. I was only go off idle speed, but this thing is going to be peppy.[/quote
And you say this and don't post pics of your maiden voyage?Shame on you Fred!!!!
No camera:o, BUT my neighbor took a video! He's going to put it on disk and I'll post that instead! I've seen it and it came out really cool. :welcome:
Would you hurry up the video already.:whistle:

:lol:Go easy, Thomas. I'm as antsy as you are and I have to be patient. He did it as a favor and has an older digital camera. It has the little 3" disc, so he has to put it on a regular disc so I can download it. He's a kinda busy guy and I don't want to bug him too much. Believe me, I want to post it more than you want to see it. I got a look at it after he filmed it and it came out great. About 2 minutes of me driving my chassis up and down the street. :lol: Yea, I probably shouldn't have done it, But I just couldn't help my self. You know the saying, " The devil makes work for idle hands.":)
Fred, did you get your 32 grill yet? I'll be sending for my grill and windshield within the next couple of weeks.:lol:

Nope, not yet. I'm playing with the thought of trying a chrome Model A shell instead. Yea, I know, I need to make up my freaking mind.:confused:

The chopped '32 is still my first choice, but I like the chrome '28 shell too. It would look good with a black insert and the black paint job I'm planning. The problem is that a stock Model A shell is about 1 1/2" too wide. It will fit, but there will be a 3/4" gap between the shell and the radiator if you look from behind. I'm not sure I can live with the gap. Fit and finish issues.:confused:
Oh! Speedway has the chrome '28 shell for only $110! ;)That's a factor too. One less piece for the painter to mess with and that bit of chrome will look awesome with an all black body. I know it sounds like I'm all mixed up, but I have two images in my head and they both look great.

It's all Rick's fault! Those chrome friction shock levers need some company!:lol:
Here's a pic of Lanceks T Bucket with a model A grill shell. I like it.



If I do it, I won't use a motometer. I'll just bond on a dummy cap where the real radiator cap should go. Right now, I'm just tossin' ideas in my head. My main focus is getting the body. The shell can come later.
Hi dustytrails. :lol:

I want to say that Total Performance has some steps, but it looks as if their Web server is snowed in with the rest of them this morning. ;) You might check their site, as soon as they dig out of the snow.

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