Hahaha....that IndyCars is slick!
Now, I realize that you made your tape....your tdc is evidently off from the tape or the tape isn't laid out in degrees. IF IT IS 63 DEGREES

.....They've got the cam in wrong or something really funky in going on....
I'm strapping a skillet to my head now

TDC ought to set at zero, -0-, >0<, (0.00), {0}, ZERO.
When you screw in your piston stop in #1, make sure your neg. battery cable is off. With a socket and a Long 1/2" breaker bar, roll the motor over till you hit the stop. Make a mark on your Tape there where the pointer is. And also, write that number down. don't care if its 275 or 1, write it down.
Now, roll the motor over in the other direction till you hit the stop. Make your mark and write down that number. Pull your shoes off if you need 2 count outloud, but TDC is exactly 1/2 way between those numbers. WHEREEVER that is....That is ZERO! Make that Mark RED so you won't loose it.
Put everything as it need to be, and adjust your timing so your 12 degrees BTDC, with your Vac. line pinched off or plugged. Hook up your Vacc. line and your motor ought to idle up some. Take it for a spin and see if its still running hot.
At least you got the distributor all straightened, and seated correctly. 63....damn....