Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Trip to VA Hospital


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Supporting Member
Last week I had an appointment and left to go to it to be on time. Traffic was backed up for miles trying to get to the hospital because they were giving tests for Covid 19. I went home and called to reschedule--they had already canceled it and didn't have time to notify me.

Went yesterday--3/16-- and was stopped in the driveway and asked a bunch of questions---I told them I hadn't traveled in 6 months-- only to Prison 2 times a Month---that look I got was hilarious-- then I explained I have 2 Grand Children that work as Corrections Officers--one at a Max and the other at a Medium security prisons.
No fever--except when I wanted sex-- but I did have aches and pains--just laughing at peoples fear of dieing and not having TP.

No I don't have PTSD and am not going to kill myself or others. They let me in-- laughing at the long haired crazy Veteran. They were Vets also, just volunteering to help.

This was what it was like when I left.

Older Buceteers need not worry.


No Offense to any Religion.
Covid 19.jpg
The First Baby Boom is about gone so it is time for the next one I recon...………….LOL
That's why I make so much fun of myself and others as the older I get the more days I have like this. People just treat you differently the older you get.

It is a true story . Just wait till you see my new glasses. And I can now hear a pin drop in a factory warehouse with my new hearing aids. What a difference from my first pair cause the VA only lets me replace them every 5 years. Damn things cost over $8000.00. That is another story but happened the same day as the getting my glasses. The AD is a hoot !!

I can hear you clearly now at 100 feet away.

The First Baby Boom is about gone so it is time for the next one I recon...………….LOL

Happens about every 75 years or so but it only takes one Generation to change the dynamics of any given situation or Country.

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