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Using a Jack on your bucket

Rip VW

Active Member
Am curious as to what people use for jack points on their Ts. I usually lift from the radius rod joint on the front axle. That I was told wasn’t a good idea as the I beam axle doesn’t like to be stressed that way. “They” also said never jack directly on the beam in the middle. It’s not strong enough to support the full front end weight.
Well never having owned a car with a straight axle, I am non knowing so I defer to the rest of the population for that answer. Jacking in the middle seems to be a good way to move the front end around it the shop but I don’t want to stress the axle. What do you all think?
You could always make a cross tube from rectangle tube (on its side) so the centre locates on the jack, and the ends pick up the front axle out near the radius rods.
This is good stuff to know. Maybe I will feel better the next time I jack up the front end. It just seems to be the natural place for lifting. Thanks for the info.

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