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Volt meter


Staff member
I have a 1 wire 100 Amp alternator, and a volt meter (not an ammeter) which normally reads 14+ volts when I'm driving. Sometimes when I first start it, it only reads a little below 12 volts, but as soon as I blip the throttle it goes up to 14+. When I was driving it yesterday, I noticed it stayed a little under 12 volts, regardless of engine speed. Is my alternator going south? o_O
Depends on which direction you're driving.

I'm not up on electrical things, but a quick way to see if the alt. is charging, short of a meter, put a screw driver near the back side (opp. side of the pulley) the magnetic field caused by charging should "pull" the screw driver towards it.
How's your battery? Good connections?
Doesn’t sound good. Be sure battery posts are clean and wire at alternator and starter are clean and tight. If all are good,take it to autozone and get it tested.

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