I hear ya, here in Ohio, it's supposed to hit around 4pm. It's been a mild winter, but my sons birthday is on march 12, and he was born in a blizzard, six weeks early as a result of the extreme barometric change, actually, the hospital was full, women in labor in the hallways, etc, because all of the rooms were full, we got there in time for a room, thank God! Funny story, my best friend and I had rebuilt a engine for his truck. We had planned on him coming to my shop after work on that Friday, march 11, and ordering pizza, beer, and swapping the engine. Well, my wife went into labor and I had no way to reach him. He went ahead and followed our plans, expecting me to show up, and was stranded in my shop all night during the blizzard because he drove the truck and started tearing it down. My dog kept him company... sorry for the story, memories! I have sort of been expecting a bit of belated bad weather this year. I've seen a foot of snow in the middle of April.