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Bucket Engine

You almost have to be an engineer and programmer to eliminate all of the non essentials from a factory harness now. I was at one time able to reduce the factory TPI harnesses to seven wires (to connect to implanted vehicle) and they performed great, but it required an extensive amount of research and numerous manuals to trace all of the schematics.

Been there done that. Factory loom supplied with the Kinsler set up....

wiring coming along (15) [640x480] (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG
I hear what you are saying about the Painless harness, that's why on one hand I wish I would have went with the standard small block. Then on the other hand I like the weight savings of the aluminum block and heads plus the performance of the factory LS. I looked into the carb setups but they are more than what the harness is. I think I'll bite the bullet and buy the harness and be done. It comes with the control modules for the engine and transmission plus Painless flashes it to match the specs I need. I guess when I think about it, it's not such a bad deal. Sorry to have bothered you guys with my wishy washy wonderings.

Old school ways are hard to give up, but technology is great. As long as the Govt stays away.
Technology is great... as long as it's working. But when it quits? ? ? IMHO

Old school ways are hard to give up, but technology is great. As long as the Govt stays away.
Uh, actually, the government and their emissions regulations, is what is in large part creating the need for it. I like the benefits of it, hate the poor fuel quality, hate the fact that they imbed tracking options and the ability to shut down via remote demand. All the more reason to hang on to some "old skool" stuff... well that and tin foil hats blind be in the sun, lol...
Its hard to 'take over' plugs, points and a carb.... In saying that I hold the opinion that 20 year old technology is not seen as a Threat.

Nothing wrong with tin foil hats, they stop bird s**t staining your T shirts. Plus the fact if they are aimed right they can really piss of your neighbours.
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Newest addition to the pile in the spare room LOL. :)intake.jpg
You can get in trouble for posting engine porn! But I love it!

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