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Builder's Depression?

LOL......Looks like you have assumed the job of management.:ciao:

Not a bad idea Telman! I could use some management myself so I keep on track!:ciao:

My depression is related to the recession causing loss of job and the divorce I can't seem to get settled...

Otherwise life is grand! If I were free to work on it, I would but it is senseless to add any value to my project 'til everything else is settled.
My depression is related to the recession causing loss of job and the divorce I can't seem to get settled...
Sorry to hear that Beemryder. I hope everything settles quickly for you.

Today's therapy involved reading about making headlight mounts out of home conduit and exhaust pipe. Followed by doing some reading on hockey puck engine mounts. I can't wait to put all this knowledge to use!

HAceT, no problem, as long as it quits raining by December. I might need to know how long your car body is by then. I'm thinking about giving my welder buddy a call and ask him what he is doing between Christmas and New Years. Maybe I can get the truck frame over to his shop and get started then. There is no way I'm going to make it through the winter without at least building the frame.
Hang in there beemryder! There is a group of people that have the same problem and there called "everybody" and we meet at the bar!:) LOL, things always work out buddy!!!!

Jb, here is a video of a 4 passenger T with good music but this time it has more room. If you need more room than this your gonna need to research a military vehicle called a "duck", very close to what your building but it holds an entire crew............Just don't get any new ideas or i'll hear about it from Telman!:D

[ame=[media=youtube]AH43BdBuzq4[/media] - *SOLD* 1927 Ford Model T Touring "Chevy Powered Ford"[/ame]

I should be able to pull an idea or two from there. That's a beautiful car. I like how the 27 touring body is shapped, just a nice long tub.
Ok J...from the outside of the firewall to the furthest rear point I have 7' 8". Like I said in the earlier post I extended the nose a little more than 4" but if I was smart I would of went with a 2 27 bodies instead of 2 23 bodies. The 27 body has a longer cowl which gives you even more leg room.
So the 8.5 to 9 feet I think it could be is not too insane. Good, I didn't want it to look too long.
if you do one of the touring styles, you might try running the model A type frontend.. it would get your turning radius down quite a bit
you might try running the model A type frontend.. it would get your turning radius down quite a bit

Brucer, I don't suppose you have a picture of what you are talking about. If we're on the same page, I think that is probably what I'm doing. This car will look a little more like an A than a T as it will have early 30's fenders.

The plan will be to use all of the 66 truck frame where the wheels/engine/transmission is. I'm cutting the frame off from just behind the transmission mount to get rid of the curves the F100 frame has. That will actually shorten up the wheel base from what the truck had. Nothing is set in stone from here, but I'm looking at a wheel base of about 120 inches instead of the 132 inches the truck frame has now.
The truck frame is too wide for a bucket body; I'm building my own body from the floor up. The body will be 4' wide and about 9' long and will ride on top of the frame. To make things easy it will be one big tub with bucket seats. The truck frame is 34 inches wide, which is much wider than the normal T-bucket frame. This car will also set much higher than the normal T-bucket as I like the ease of just crawling under and changing the oil without jack stands. It will have running boards to assist with getting in and out of. I'm thinking at first it will be doorless until after it is road worthy. It will have door frames, just no door. The windshield will have to be fabricated to fit the body, which I can do. The interior will be kept to a minimum through the first year as I just want something that is able to be driven. I'm thinking just build it, paint it and drive it for now. As you guys have said, building one of these is a lifetime, they're never done. Trust me, I've got a better plan this time around.

Mike, the inspiration pictures you've been coming up with have been a big help.
The CCR website has a dimension picture that shows the sides being about 22" and then kicking up to 28" in the back. Is that about the normal wall height on T-bucket bodies?
It sounds like your car is going to need a ladder to get in to.Look at the side of my car the sides are real low and the back is real high.
So let's see if I have this right, you gave up the idea of the boat car for the T-flyingboatbucket and now you want to build a Monster Tub?

Anybody want to meet me at our local watering hole, I'm buying, LOL.
No Telman2, I'm still building something that looks like the picture. I'm just getting the dimensions right. I just forgot to mention it was going to be as tall as a truck. Minivans are such a pain to see around. I might have just found the fenders and a grill I like. I'll know for sure in a another week.

I'm home sick tonight, so alcohol sounds really nice right about now. But then again, a Monster-T-Flying-Boat-Bucket does sound interesting.


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