RPM said:You all are doing better than me, I could not even find the pics on his Myspace.
Rick, I figured out that my ACDC photo program rules, so it does not like other stuff getting in the way, I reckon.. COMPUTERS, waaaay smarter than ME... need to go back to classes.... Thanks anyway...Rick said:Ted if you down loaded the program just right click on the pic and scroll down the drop down menu and you will see Resize Picture click that and you have four choices to resize them.Lf you lost the program let me know and i will resend.It is a Power Toy for Windows X.P
To adjust the length of the radius rod, for any small reasons that they may need to be changed, I loosen the back lock nut, turn the front bolt head, this moves the radius rod, in whatever direction you want, 1/4" in any direction off center line... clear? That makes for both ends, all 3 ends are done the same way, as the radius rods work in torsion as well as push, pull and lifting. everytime you go over a steep incline sideways at all. nothing to work itself looseblownt said:Eccentric adjustment bolts? What do they adjust? All I see is a rigid bushed rod end on the front end of the radius rods with a bolt going thru the bushing to the frame. I do not understand what the bolt, sleeve and nut adjust?????
George, I have pics of my radius rod bolts, which I make, using 4" X 1/2" grade 5 bolts.. the adjustable unit, I make using a length of 3/4" solid stock, which I jeg drill to one side, leaving barely 1/16th material at one edge, I now drill a hole in that thin side, clean it all up, slide it on the bolt, weld up that 1.2: hole, to lock the unit in place, so it will not turn on the bolt, almost forgot, I install a large safety washer first, then the adjuster, weld, and use inside the large 4 bar bushings. You had the right idea, as I was bad at explaining it in the first place, LOVE your drawings, a pic is worth a thousand words, maybe more of mine. heheGAB said:Here is a try at understanding what Ted is doing for an adjuster on the front of his radius rods. The stud that goes through the frame rail is turned as an eccentric to the main body of the adjuster. 1/4" off center that would give 1/2" of total movement.
I'm not sure that I understand his mention of the Corvette adjuster as they have a slot to keep the vertical height on the bolt that anchors the inner end of the camber link ??
Ted, am I anywhere close to what you have done? Inquiring minds want to know!
Ted Brown said:Geroge, you got it perfect this time, you must have looked at my pics.. hehe
Single shear, well my friend, many, actually ALL the AG/Super cars I built, never seemed to break any of that type of mount... and I am pretty sure they made a bit more HP than I do...
and you just may be right about using the bigger unit for the adjustment, and then use lock tite or just good grade lock washers on the main mounting bolts, or wire ties... Worth thinking about, Thanks again for the GREAT drawings...
PS, I have a new radius rod frame mount in mind to try, will/should work great in any position or angle, with NO BINDING... maybe I will have to get you to draw it..