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Cheep coil overs?

Yes, we used some of those on a track roadster way back when. The brand was Mulholland and they were replacements for big oriental bikes like Kawasaki. They were marginal at best and that car only weighed 1385 lbs. It was 2300 Ford four banger powered. We tried the same units on another track roadster that used the Ford 60 V-6 and they were too light for that application.

The only adjustments are the 3 position lower spring seat. Only about 3/4" if I remember right. There is no valving adjustment for the shock

Hope this helps.
This is ONE area you don't want to go Cheap. I know, been there - done that.

I drive my bucket a LOT, rode a couple years on cheap coilovers - then went ahead and spent the bucks for some GOOD QA1 coilovers.

Kick myself for pinching those pennies and getting the cheapo coilovers, would have put three times as many miles on this hotrod if I'd put the good ones on in the first place.

IT DOES make a difference.

Skimp on paint or chrome, DON'T go cheap on the RIDE.

just my two cents, which on the foreign market right now ain't work JACK.
I'm using them and have had no problems. I have driven my car all day and was fine. Now, I only weigh 170 on a good day, maybe that has something to do with it, but I have had a passenger who was about 190-200 and still no problems. Maybe he was too scared to notice or didn't want to say anything, but I doubt it. My butt and back have yet to say I need to change to something else.

My thinking was this. I got them and figured, if they didn't work out, I'd only be out $60 and I go with what everyone else is using. I still fell the same way, but I have no reason to change yet. They work for me, so I'll keep 'em.

Just how sweet should a car with a 100 year old front suspension and a bare minimum rear suspension drive anyway? Maybe I'll also install a cup holder when I get the new shocks.:lol:
tfeverfred - do you have any pics of your rear suspension setup with these? How much does your T weigh? I'm also kind of interested in trying these. I've also been thinking of trying coilovers in the front. Any idea how they would be in the front also?
MDrex said:
tfeverfred - do you have any pics of your rear suspension setup with these? How much does your T weigh? I'm also kind of interested in trying these. I've also been thinking of trying coilovers in the front. Any idea how they would be in the front also?

Check out my project build. Page 1, post# 6.
Thanks, looks good. My car has shocks and springs in the rear now, so it shouldn't be hard to switch to these (when I get around to it).
MDrex said:
Thanks, looks good. My car has shocks and springs in the rear now, so it shouldn't be hard to switch to these (when I get around to it).

Like I said, they seem to work for me and I hope they work for you. If they end up NOT working for me, I'll get what everyone else is using. At $60, I felt they were worth a try. If anything, they will be good for mockup or to get your chassis rolling around.

Good luck.
For the $ of only $60 seemed ok to try to me too.
I was thinking of $160 for 2 sets and if I need to put 2 per wheel or not? Could always use 2 on other project.
Tfeverfred,are you using only one for each wheel? I don't see two in your rear photo .
Yup, one on each wheel.
Resonably Priced ( $105.00 ea.) Coil Overs can be found at :
Linblad Chassis
2194 Providence Road
Northbridge, MA. 01534
Phone: 508-234-8283

They also sell T-Bucket Kits and Parts..... I think they may also have a website now, but I'm not sure....."BH"
If you're serious about saving money on coilovers maybe look for two pairs of Harley DYNA coilovers. DO NOT get the Sportster ones. Those Sportster coilovers are the cheapest thing SHOWA makes and are just JUNK.

The DYNA (Wide Glide, Low Rider, etc) are really good shocks. On a Wide Glide they're mounted at about a 45 degree angle. I put a set on my 96 Sporty and it rides like a completely different bike now.

They're adjustable also. Two pair on the rear should work I think. You could mount (each side) one in front and one behind the rear axle kinda like a Jag rear end??? Set the shocks as soft as you can and at a slight angle they should be FINE. If they're too stiff you could mount them at more angle to make them softer. If they're too soft you can dial 'em up a couple clicks each shock or mount them a little more verticle.

I bought four sets off ebay for $25- $30 a PAIR. You could have $60-$70 in those and if they don't work for you, probably get your money right back out of 'em on ebay again.

Just thinking out loud again.
I had forgot about them,been some time,I did get some race car stuff from them years back,but your right I don't see a web site for them any were ,"Lindblad Chassis and Automotive":cool:.

Baby Huey said:
Resonably Priced ( $105.00 ea.) Coil Overs can be found at :
Linblad Chassis
2194 Providence Road
Northbridge, MA. 01534
Phone: 508-234-8283

They also sell T-Bucket Kits and Parts..... I think they may also have a website now, but I'm not sure....."BH"

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