Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Cold weather

After two nights of battling drifting snow, high winds and sub-zero temperatures, trying to remove snow, we thought Tuesday night was going to bring back some normalcy. I went into the building I work in and started making my rounds, locking up doors. I got around to the NE entrance (which we call the Harry's entrance, as it is directly across from the Chocolate Shop, if there are any Purdue alums here), which is a large, 12' high glass enclosed foyer. And you could not see into the foyer, as the glass was covered in condensed water. I pushed the door open, and was greeted by my glasses immediately fogging up and the sound of running water.

I still have no idea of what really happened, since there had been no one in the building for a couple days, but one of the steam registers in the foyer had 5 splits in the exchanger unit. I waded through water over to a doorway leading to a stairwell and two more entrance doors and the water cascading down the stairwell sounded like a waterfall. How in the world does hot water manage to freeze???

Our building is coming up on a 10th anniversary, since its construction, and they are planning a big commemoration. The largest donator, for whom the building is named is going to be in town that week, so the building deputy has been trying to make sure that every last little bump, bruise and blemish is getting repaired or replaced. And there we were, knocking holes in drywall and knocking out ceiling tiles, trying to get all the water to drain, so we could pull it all up. Floor tiles up on my floor are all blistered up from being under all the hot water. And there is no hope we are ever going to get the stench of all that water out of the building.

We spent about 6 hours, working on the flood. Wednesday morning, we left for the day, thinking that maybe Wednesday night would bring us that normalcy we were hoping for.

We went in last night, and our crew chief had an e-mail from the building deputy that a classroom on my floor had suffered a pipe break, which had flooded the opposite end of the basement. :mad:

If I walk in there tonight, and hear the word flood, I am going to scream! I really feel sorry for the building deputy, because her big 10th anniversary celebration is going to take place in a building that looks like it has been hit with the Great Deluge and a bomb, all at the same time.
I can imagine.
You can't appreciate the amount of work something like that can cause until you experience it first hand.
Last June we had a big heavy rainstorm that knocked out power. The sumps filled and overflowed. One inch of water can cause a lot of mess. We have a finished basement so all the drywall, paneling and flooring had to get ripped out and replaced. I'm still working on it. At first I mopped the floors and all looked OK until about 2 weeks later when the water that was behind the paneling began to migrate to the surface. I pulled off a small portion of paneling to have a look. The drywall under the paneling was moldy up from the floor for the first foot or so.
Now there are 2 Big Dog battery sump pumps in those holes!! I hope I never need them.
I left for the laundromat ( :mad: ) about 4:30, this morning, and it was 41°, with rain.

It is amazing how quickly the snow is disappearing. And quite frankly, I don't care to ever see another flake of the stuff, the rest of my life.
The country dirt roads were packed with snow and now that we've had the rain and the warm up have since turned into skating rinks. Truck are getting stuck left and right. One of our trucks was sitting across the road to the point that nobody could get through. The guys driving the truck called the towing company and was told their not coming to help until things get better. They already had more then they could handle. Looks like the economy of that particular company has improved, for now.
It was in the mid 50's here yesterday. It was nice to work in the shop without the heater constantly running...
It was so warm here today and yesterday, my heater never did kick on. I keep it at 60 to 65 normally, depending on how hard I am working. Ahh, I liked the weather all this last week. Supposed to be in the upper 50s until Thursday then dropping to the higher 40s. It got to 73 today, but wind was 25 at least.

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