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cooters T bucket build

Its funny you watch movies you haven't seen in a wile, and before I was into T buckets. Now you see them that you didn't notice before. Like the music video hot for teacher.
Sure looks good with the simulated hood. Lots of room for louvers. The center photo shows things to be pretty well lined up. Must be the closer shots that throw things off.
Well, if it was mine I think I would stand the radiator straight up and move it back to give about 1 1/2" clearance to run a clutch fan. If the top surface of the shell was not in line with the hood line enough to bother me I would slice and dice the top of the shell to line it up. Then I would deal with the gap between the radiator and cross member. Moon tank? Louvered panel? Nothing? I have done enough thinking now. I'm old so while you do all this work I'm going to take a nap! LOL
I think I to would move the radiator and shell back as far as your fan configuration will allow. To my eye, the stretched cowl combined with the long hood messes with the proportions. What you have is not bad...I just think it could be better.
Looks like a hood is in your future. I like it.
But to get the true perspective, trim the tape back on the rad shell till it just barely is attached. You will probably have to whip up a lip to mount that hood on.
Being able to see a full dark shell will change some people's perspectives.
Plus maybe moving the rad shell back a couple of inches.
I would leave the radiator out for now and just play with the different perspectives.


P.S. Do you know anyone who does photo shop?

Trim up the tape so that faux hood looks like a real hood.
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Looks like a hood is in your future. I like it.
But to get the true perspective, trim the tape back on the rad shell till it just barely is attached. You will probably have to whip up a lip to mount that hood on.
Being able to see a full dark shell will change some people's perspectives.
Plus maybe moving the rad shell back a couple of inches.
I would leave the radiator out for now and just play with the different perspectives.


P.S. Do you know anyone who does photo shop?

Trim up the tape so that faux hood looks like a real hood.
dont know any photo shop people
Contact ex junk Jim. He and his sons photo shopped a really interesting roadster pick up,
might be able to steer you some place.


Got a local high school or jr. college or university that has computer classes on photo shop?
An effective shroud directs ALL the air the fan pulls to come through ALL the radiator , your setup "might" be 60% effective ... IMO
Contact ex junk Jim. He and his sons photo shopped a really interesting roadster pick up,
might be able to steer you some place.


Got a local high school or jr. college or university that has computer classes on photo shop?

The distance from my firewall to the back of my grill shell is 33". Check the picture below it and you should get a good idea of the look on my car at present.

Here is the Photoshopped version in pickup form that was mentioned.

Cooooooter. Don't hate me.

Lower the side motor mounts an inch or so. That will get the headers running parallel with the radius rods and the ground. I don't think you will loose ground clearance and driveshaft angle will still be acceptable.

Go to the local auto swap meet and shop for a manifold that has 0* angle on the carb mount pad so the carb is parallel to the ground.

Move the rad shell back 2 inches (the extra space between the shell and the front crossmember is negligible) and make a cardboard lip for the "tape" hood to mount upon (tape the lip to the inside of the shell), (if you were really into it you could create a cardboard hood 'bout the same thickness as the aluminum material would be) and you could use it as a pattern. If you had any flat aluminum spray paint, well there you go !

Try to conceptualize having the rad shell black, the hood aluminum, and the body blue (for now) then stand back and look at it. Does it look "right"?
Do it in cardboard as you would have it in real life. Get the proportions right.

If you took those photos @ 10 feet back, take them @ 20 feet back to lessen the distortion.

It's all in the details. And everyone here is here to be the critic (just kidding guys). You have done a wonderful job so far and the devil is in the details.

And just remember that everyone is here to help and you are doing way better than I am. I don't have a car to work on. Kinda like Mike Ermel. Had a roadster unrealized.


And of course feel free to ignore everything I have just said and carry on.

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