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cooters T bucket build

Gotta agree about lowering the engine. I doubt if my carb sets completely level. After 4 years, no ill effects. I made some short radius side curtains to fill in the space between the shell and the engine. You could, for now, paint the tape that is on the grill black, to give you a better perspective of the look. I like the long hood look you have.
First T bucket. Im comeing from vw's and sand rails. This is hard cause engine on wrong end

I hear ya. I'm coming from a background of MGs, street VWs, rear engine Renaults, and quirky little English FWD cars that most have never heard of...and all of it 35 or more years ago. But so far I've really enjoyed the learning curve.
I hear ya. I'm coming from a background of MGs, street VWs, rear engine Renaults, and quirky little English FWD cars that most have never heard of...and all of it 35 or more years ago. But so far I've really enjoyed the learning curve.
Me and s buddy restoring a 72 super beetle now. I almost put a balljoint front axle on this T.
Me and s buddy restoring a 72 super beetle now. I almost put a balljoint front axle on this T.

I let some folks talk me out of using one of the off-road coil-over beams. I wish I'd stuck to my original idea, but by the time I came to that realization I had too much invested in conventional parts to turn back. With a track roadster nose, the end result would have vaguely looked like one of the old Kurtis Kraft roadsters.
Nice cooter!
Is the backrest going to be supported by the body?
No. Bolted to base yhen base to floor like factory

It looks like that's going to be a tight fit. I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends up fitting. If I end up using my fall back configuration, I may go with similar seats in leather.
still workin on seat. thinkin out a frame to bolt to seat that then bolts to floor. this is harder than buildin chassis was. lol
well, i have start on this bench seat. i wish it was under back lip in first few pictures but after putting the back and bottom together like they came apart and setting unit in she is tight!!! no left and right room and back is as low as she will go. ill add the thickness of 2x4 to front feet and tie it all in to floor and frame as one piece. might glass back of tub to match back of seat. im gonna let this simmer in and keep thinkin bout what i want. sets pretty darn good like this.. body to long for my short legs. cant reach guess ill wear my 4" stack shoes.
If and when you get the seat upholstered, they can take a little off each side of the lower seat. That will leave you a bit of room for side panels. You can add foam to the side panels, and leave it out around the seat area You may be able to bum a set of Tom Cruise's stacks. I think they are 4 inchers.
im gonna let this simmer in and keep thinkin bout what i want.

That's what I do. Just move on to something else for a while.

I'll usually come up with a good solution (like in the shower) when I'm thinking on an alternate level.

That kind of half asleep deep daydreaming.

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