Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

First Snow

howdy guys/ guy from west coast of Australia....pretty much like California....just curious how you guys survive/put up with those harsh winters,what with all the snow and ice and stuff,plus not being able to use your rides for long periods of time,then summer and then starts all over again....

myself I hate the cold and love where I 43 deg Celsius...110f......the highest we have had was 47c...116f and the lowest about -2c...28f but no snow, usually dry for about 8 months of the year and winters short and mild by your comparisons.
hotrodding is an all year thing coz I use mine daily.....I could not begin to imagine what it would be like to park my cars up for any period of time and be confined to the house.....I'm crazy enough now but then I would be off the planet.
my shed is all tin and unlined so in summer it gets pretty "warm" in current build is nearing completion and like the others has a roof as the sun tends to put to much charge in the solar panel on your shoulders
I don't wish to come across as smart a**e just trying to put the cold thing into perpective and say I am impressed with how you guys handle it all year after year.
gotta say I do admire your rides and when I finish my current project I have a t bucket body I want to build up.

cheers joe

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