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GM Brake Caliper


Would it be OK to mount the caliper upside down ? reason I ask is it solves some issues I have in mounting the brake line hose. I know the bleeder is on the top for a reason .

There are GM-pattern calipers that have inlets and bleeder ports on both ends of the caliper. That might be a better solution for you than installing a caliper that is difficult to impossible to bleed?

Howe, Wilwood, US Brake, and several others have these for circle track use in cast iron and they are not excessively expensive.
The caliper will work either way, but you will have to invert it for bleeding. You can remove the caliper and put a block of wood between the pads. Turn it so that the bleeder is upright and bleed it normally.

It would be better to find another caliper though IMO, since every time you have to bleed it you will have to pull the wheel and caliper.

Thanks ..
So what I did was like you said with line's hooked up when I sat it on the floor the bleeder was up.. I used a block and a "C" clamp to hold the piston and it worked like a charm ..
By the way I have BRAKES !!! LOL
Thanks again
The caliper are a bit havey,but can be litened up by grinding off extra casting and open up the hole you can see the pads and disk in,that all helps with control of axle with good shocks.

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