Wiring, the job many builders love to hate is next.
I purchased the 22 circuit wiring kit from Speedway. Nice kit, fuse block, all the wires color coded and labeled every six inches and a complete set of instructions. I also ordered all the switches and lights I thought I would need. The instruments are the five gauge set from Omega Custom. They have a nice antique look to them that I liked. The tach I had to order separately.
Some builders make up the wiring harness on the bench in one piece, install it in the car then hook it to the various lights, instruments etc. If I was a perfect person and never made any mistakes I would do it that way but I am not, so I won’t and I didn’t.
I mounted the fuse panel to the firewall under the dash then ran all the wires through the firewall to the various components and back to the dash gauges and switches.
Some builders like to use the frame for the electrical ground but I do not like to do that, most electrical problems are due to a poor ground connection so I ran a separate ground wire from each unit to a common ground connection at the battery. With the body being fiberglass I was going to have to do this for some of the units anyway.
I ran the wires to each unit, tested it to make sure it worked OK then went on to the next one. It took a lot of time to do this but everything worked as it should when I was done. I then bundled each wire run together and wrapped it with some wire loom. For me at least, wiring and painting are the two hardest jobs when building the T.