Mike's position concerning the finances of the forum has always been to let it sink or swim on its own merit. That is as it should be. It's not a statement of emotion in any direction, simply one of the primary rules of business decision.
Sad to say, that well and truly is my position. And that has allowed morons (a.k.a. the sockpuppet and his minions) to maintain their campaign that this site is going away.
The bottom line is that this place does require a lot of money to stay afloat. And as 409T had said, everyone participates at their own level and some members donate at a level that is comfortable for them. I don't know if I find it disappointing or frustrating (maybe it is aggravating???), but out of the 3,217 registered members on these forums, we currently have just 65 in the Supporting Members usergroup. 2% of our total membership are paying the freight for everyone else.
Here are my options -
- Encourage more people to help support the site through their generosity
- Remove some of the features and functions, so we can go back to lower cost hosting
- Close this site down, lose all 104,456 posts and re-open shop on a free hosting service
- Wait until this site goes bust, shrug my shoulders and walk away
I am, in no way, shape or form going to turn this site into a pay-to-subscribe site. So that is not an option for me. Sorry, but either the site offers enough value to our members to encourage their support, or the site is worthless.
For our newer members, offering promotional items with the site logo is a loser. I spent a boatload of money to have t-shirts made up, a few years back. When I floated the concept, people were drooling to get T-bucket Forums t-shirts. When the shirts arrived, most of those people were like roaches when the lights come on, they all disappeared. The last of the shirts went out of here in a bulk sale, at a greatly reduced price. I swore off t-shirts and I think some of the older members are treating theirs like collectors items. To my knowledge, only two of us have jackets with the forum logo on them.
Most of you will not remember what things were like, back in 2007, when loading a single forum page could take between 1 and 3 minutes. I know I am not interested in participating in slow-running sites, so I am betting most of you feel the same way. We are now large enough that if we were to make that kind of move, we would have to lose a lot of features and a few thousand posts to get there.
The free forum hosting sites are out there. We have a couple of malcontent members (well, OK, one of them has been banned) who are operating wannabe sites on those services, already. But, to my knowledge, there is no way to migrate our current database into the freebie sites. We have accumulated over 104,000 posts in the last 77 months. Do we really want to lose all of that, just to not have operational costs? We would lose many of the features we currently enjoy, as well. I've been watching the development of a couple of photo gallery scripts, but that is something we could never have on the freebie sites.
Here is where the naysayers start licking their chops, because they always fail to read to the end of anything. To be quite honest, I have no issue with someone who cannot afford to donate a single dollar. I spent nearly all of 2012 without a job. And being self-employed for the couple years previous, there were no unemployment benefits, I simply had no income. I have been fighting some health issues I cannot afford and within the last month I was forced to move as I lost my home. So I know what it is like to not have spare pocket change to spend on anything. I get it, I really do. If that is where you find yourself, I certainly hope and pray things will turn around for you.
Likewise, if you are a member of this site and feel the site is of no worth to you, then there is no reason you should spend so much as a dime to support it.
So before the admins of the wannabe sites start crowing, let me make this crystal-clear to everyone. If you cannot afford to help support this site, I fully understand and I have absolutely no quarrel with you. But I also need everyone to understand I cannot cover the monthly operational expenses out of my own pocket. I enjoy helping to offer everyone the largest, the fastest-growing and the most informational T-Bucket resource on the Web, but I'm not going to even attempt to run it out of my own wallet.
I think we all want to keep this place alive, but the bottom line is still the bottom line - If we are to survive, it is going to be as a result of your own generosity.