I think the sign should say "currents" so I'm with you lets go swimming and besides when you only go in knee deep it's OK............I don't want to miss the curves......
Legs and not to unsual to see that type of attire anymore............Some folks don't have a mirror OR just don't care..............She proabley thinks she looks good......
I need to post one every few days, so I don't lose track of where I am in the file. Don't anyone tell lincolnuT, but this is image 127 out of a file of 757 images. I should say 757 and growing.
In honor of October and Halloween -
You know, the first thing I noticed is that whilst she is wearing a woman's billie kilt, she certainly didn't put her kilt pin on the apron correctly. Sheesh...
I want them to come to my ho-se and Trick or Treat me........well maybe only TREAT......................Hello............ & who cares where the pin is?
She is just keeping a DRUNK friend from falling, I'm sure there is no hidden intent here at all................................I think your mind is pusshing mine out of the gutter......
Those ladies & I use that real loosey, are overdressed me thinks.......................They must have been the ones waiting on me the last time I was in Vegas.............
I think the guy taking the photo, in the back for you guys that can't get pass the ladies, is wearing Mickey Mouse ears..................
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