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I tookTed's advice on my body about the firewall... I was cutting on the floors fiberglass to make room to put a one piece 5/8's sheet of plywood on the firewall... I had it standing on the front and was using a grinding wheel, when I finished cutting it across and the back again, I still had the grinder on and caught the knuckle of my right index finger...luckily that is a part of the body that doesnt bleed. Nothing that electrical tape cant cure!
ah dovehunter ... you are now officialy a member of the bloody knuckle club!!! welcome!!!!

Been there done that and got the scars to prove it :lol: The thing is when you grind a slot through your flesh you cauterize the wound with the spinning disc so it dosn't bleed much,Now the really bloody n pain full part is when you see the ER doctor and they "debride?" The wound! that's where they take disinfectant and gauze scrubbing pads and scrub away the cooked surface tissue so you can heal up properly.
dovehunter79 said:
I tookTed's advice on my body about the firewall... I was cutting on the floors fiberglass to make room to put a one piece 5/8's sheet of plywood on the firewall... I had it standing on the front and was using a grinding wheel, when I finished cutting it across and the back again, I still had the grinder on and caught the knuckle of my right index finger...luckily that is a part of the body that doesnt bleed. Nothing that electrical tape cant cure!
Cutting on the floors fiberglass??? I am missing something here??? and pray you are not missing your finger or any other needed parts... Just what were you CUTTING? only a bit of clean up is usually needed to lay in a good layer of wet mat or tiger hair or??? your good choice, to lamminate the two together... Hope it ended up alright, and your wound is not too bad. :eek:
i wonder if there's something in "the book of rooster" that covers this???:think: ...... :)

Ted Brown said:
Cutting on the floors fiberglass??? I am missing something here??? and pray you are not missing your finger or any other needed parts... Just what were you CUTTING? only a bit of clean up is usually needed to lay in a good layer of wet mat or tiger hair or??? your good choice, to lamminate the two together... Hope it ended up alright, and your wound is not too bad. :eek:

on the Spirit body I got... the floor is connected/fiberglassed to the firewall about 12"s up( its really only connected by one layer of matting)... I cut it away from the firewall so i can put a one piece board in there instead of two pieces... i cut it aways from the firewall enough that I could slide the plywood in, when that dries, I will re-attach the floor the newly sturdy as hell firewall...

As far as the finger goes, I was done cutting and when I was getting out of my situated position, I moved my finger and just knicked my knuckle... nothing major.

Ron... no kidding.... I am going to take a guess on Rooster 3:12
Leon renaud said:
Been there done that and got the scars to prove it :) The thing is when you grind a slot through your flesh you cauterize the wound with the spinning disc so it dosn't bleed much,Now the really bloody n pain full part is when you see the ER doctor and they "debride?" The wound! that's where they take disinfectant and gauze scrubbing pads and scrub away the cooked surface tissue so you can heal up properly.

I always heard, "chicks dig scars"... I wont go to the doctor unless my colon is hanging out.
I the book of Rooster Chapter 9 verse 12 says those who useth thy grinder withoutth the gloves of life will removeth needed apendages without warning. There is a little more in verse 13 that covers alcohol consumption and a grinder but i dont think that was the problem here..
dovehunter79 said:
I always heard, "chicks dig scars"... I wont go to the doctor unless my colon is hanging out.
Well I been with the same one close to 40 years and now it's more like "What the hell have you done now idiot!":)Oh and I got some great scars my grinder scar runs from mid way the second knuckle of the left index finger back over the first knuckle and half way across the back of my hand caused when a disc broke and kicked the grinder back.Since bone was showing the boss said I had to go.
rooster57 said:
I the book of Rooster Chapter 9 verse 12 says those who useth thy grinder withoutth the gloves of life will removeth needed apendages without warning. There is a little more in verse 13 that covers alcohol consumption and a grinder but i dont think that was the problem here..
I have been working in fab shops since the early 70s and have seen way too many major injuries CAUSED BECAUSE of the use of gloves around power tools.Latest was a couple badly crushed fingers in a set of slip rolls because of a pinched glove finger tip.
Alright Leon i take your darned old smashed finger and even throw in Dovehunters skint knuckle and will raise you one almost lost my leg story complete with pictures. (Or drumstick i guess)
You may wana avoid this if its close to lunch sorry.
I have a scar like that Rooster but I cant compete... I only have two pins in my wrist and three wrist bones fused together... Looks like you had a time with that one!!! you really did yourself in and went all the way! What does the book of Rooster say about if your going to do something, you do it big?
Ye who stand on tall ladder should pay attention to ye ole wife when she sayeth unto you
"Remove thyself from thy ladder you are to fat" so sayeth the warden Rooster chapter 21 verse 7
I am really starting to think The Warden is the one writing the book of Rooster.

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