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Paint front wheels


Active Member
Has anybody painted the inside of their front wheels? I'm thinking about doing it but wondering if they will look dirty all the time. I also wonder if they will be m0re of a distraction or just plain not look right. lol.

Mine are currently red outside and black inside.

I say, paint them red on the inside. If nothing else it will break up the great sea of black and give some visual interest. IMHO

Mine are powder coated front, back, and inside the air area. Back side don't seem to get much dirtier than do the front.
Remember Powdercoat Junction on Veriot School Road. There is a new powdercoating place in Henderson by Crawfish Town.
What size is that engine Jayson? I saw the 427 on the valve covers at the car show the other day. Great looking rod.
Thanks for all the comments everyone.

Swampdog it is a 382 cid Windsor. The valve covers cam from PAW when they were still selling parts. They are a pent roof sbf cover so no adapter is needed. Saying that I just bought a set of FE valve cover adapters in Columbus a couple weeks ago. I have some some old Ford v/cs but I am looking for some Thunderbird covers. I want to paint the engine and valve covers red so that is what got me thinking of doing the wheels at the same time so they would all match.

Something like this but with dual quads.


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