I'm going to do my best to go to Dayton. I expect to be treated just as anyone else that is a member of the NTBA. If for some reason i'm not, then i'll say my 'peace' to the powers that be and still enjoy myself for I think that there will always be someone to ride, drive, and party with that will be like me and just not like everyone that is a member of the NTBA. Just because I may not like them, does not make them bad people, I just don't associate with them, just as I don't go to bars to drink and possibly get into some kind of trouble. I never let anyone tell me, push me, or guide me in any way to do something I don't want to. Been there done that on all counts and have paid the price. There are enough BucketHeads in the U.S. and abroad to go around for everyones taste in socializing at gatherings like this and to be enjoyed by all who attend, members and non- members alike. So I say all that want to go, please do and find out just how different things might turn out. This is a social society that we live in but we all know that all are not social and someone always has to stand up to what 'THEY' believe in, and follow to the tune of their on beat. That being said, lets just all try to be civil and not show any disrespect towards others or thier way of life,you never have walked a mile in their shoes.