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Resistor or non resistor spark plug wires for a mallory E spark conversion ?

23 T 4sp

I have Mallory distributor with an E spark conversion. It has taylor
Non resistor wires on it now. I ordered new ones without checking the
Old ones and bought the resistor core type. Taylor pro

Will these work and not damage the module ?
I have Mallory distributor with an E spark conversion. It has taylor
Non resistor wires on it now. I ordered new ones without checking the
Old ones and bought the resistor core type. Taylor pro

Will these work and not damage the module ?
Mallory recommend the use of resistor core wires to prevent false triggering and the possibility of premature ignition failures..
Yep, resistor wires are the deal. They limit current and therefore electrical noise which can mess up delicate electronics like EFI and tachs and radio. Non-resistor wires are just for the racers, who want lots of amps to fire those big bad super-high-compression nitro machines...I'm starting to drool...
The taylor wires worked great. Making the custom wires was not bad for doing it the first time.
The coil boot is a little small.

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