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Rick's T-bucket Adventures 2007

I thought he was checking into powder coating? Anyway.... pics, please.
He was but they want a kazillion dollars to powder coat the frame and the pieces.
Man, that sucks. Well, if he took his time, I'm sure it came out good. Besides, most of the frame is covered anyway, but I know there's a pride issue when it comes to working on a car.
Covered alright but with a TON of road rash every time you drive it oh well i at least told him to paint it in enamel.I guess to each his own
My,My Thomas when will you start to listen to me? Easy touch up?NOT!!!!!!!! Remember you put clearcoat on it,right? Well you have to sand through that and guess what?Youll have to mask it off and then TRY TO COLOR MATCH IT.As it will build up a layer or two in the area you want to repair.Oh well good luck
A little road rash will give it street driven cred!:lol: No trailer queens allowed!
:lol:LOL No.... then it would be a Rat Rod.

No, what I meant was a few chips in the paint wouldn't be that critical.
But you see Fred BaseCoat,ClearCoat is a thin paint not good for tramma and it is real thin on edges like frames curves are ok
I didn't know that. I have zero experience with paint. Now I understand what his problem could be in the future.

He can redo what he has done. It may hurt a bit, but it would be best in the long run. If he's gonna do it, he should try and do it right.
GRRRRRRRRRRr Rain all week then to add insult to injury i went out to get my car out for a nice morning cruise.I turned the key and knew something was up cause it was in the ACC position.Nuttin not a wimper from the car did i get then i thought back(no small task for this old fart)Who drove the car last?MY WIFE PULLED IT IN THE GARAGE.And me no battery charger as i said GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Bummer, Rick. I hope you were able to get her going. A day without cruising has got to be a day without sunshine. Today was the kind of day I would have gotten soaked, if mine was ready to drive. day started out sunny and then out of no where.... thunderstorm with an inch of rain.

:lol:Maybe you can hook up a little chime on your ignition like in the new cars.:welcome: Have you heard from Thomas? How's his T coming?
I'm still around fred but I went from nights to days and after 2 years on nights its been a little hard to get use to days. I'm sure it won't take long though. I'll get more active on the forum in the days to come. I'm back to working on the car so I'll start needing advise soon. Rick, let me know if there are any shows still going on before there put up for the winter. Mike, did you start on your car yet?

Good to hear from you, Thomas. You'll make the conversion to days soon enough.

I'm getting ready to get my drive shaft this Friday. Then, I'll be ordering headers, a radiator, steering box and a wiring kit. I had hoped to start her next month, but it isn't going to happen. I'm not worried. This week, I built a box to go across my frame where the seat would be. It looks like I'll be comfortable with a seat about 6" from the floor, but I'll know for sure when I get the body.

One thing that I like is sitting on that seat mock up and looking out at the engine. Man, what a view.

Thomas, I envy you and everyone else who got the kit, but I know how I am when I get into something. I tend to get excited and rush. This car is not something I wanted to get caught rushing. Now that I know how things go together, I'll get a kit when I build my next one. Keep the updates coming!

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