The first "RUN".
As you guys who are parents can attest, one of your childrens milestones is the precious first walk. Yet, even more sweet is the first time you see your son or daughter run. Just running around happy and carefree!
So, last night I shot up to the auto parts store and got a new PCV. So, I get to work this morning and installed it. Then, well we got to test it... right?

So, I check my gas and note the level at 3 gallons, then I go put in a couple gallons for measuring purposes. Then I hopped out on the road. Long story short, the new PCV was the fix and Miss Behavin' gets 28MPG. Checked my trip meter on the speedo...Yea... TWENTY-EIGHT MILES TO THE FREAKIN' GALLON!

How do you beat a cool ride that get the mileage of a Honda!? You don't! You build a T Bucket!:lol: I still have a few drips of oil coming out of the front of my intake where it meets the block. I'll probably change the gaskets out next weekend.
As I traveled my route by Reliant stadium, I noted that my temp hovered right at 140-150 degrees. Sweet. Then, I rolled on towards Main Street and then headed to the Medical Center. The looks and pointing from people waiting for the bus, in traffic or out for a jog, were awesome! Then I returned back to work along the same route.
The first "run" is out of the way. Next weekend, hopefully, the first journey.
Yea, I'm freakin' stoked!