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tfeverfred's project

RPM said:
Nice Fred, looking good. You have put more miles on that car in a few weeks than I put on mine in a few months.:)

You mean "Drive the wheels off!" wasn't supposed to be taken seriously!?:)
Good for you Fred:D

I'm glad you are finally having some fun with Miss Behavin':cool:

I had my Coupe out this weekend that "fuzzy" feelin':funmeter2:

That's it Fred drive the tires off it man that is what it was built for !
Lucky Dawg :)
Yeah, What Rockin' said!! :)

Just keep runnin' it Fred, you might find better tires later. :cool: So ya gotta wear these out first. :)
tjhorse said:
Thank you Fred. This is an incredibly inspirational thread.

Thank you for checking it out. If it has inspired you, then it has done more than I intended and that is a great thing to know.
ACJC said:
Dang Fred, how do you keep your headers from bluing?

I'll take a good pic of them, but let me tell ya, they are turning a nice shade of yellow and blue. I like it! Proves she's driven and driven a lot!:welcome:
I have 235 miles on mine (229 since put inservice) and mine headers have nice verigated shades of blue, purple, to gold down to the collector.

A guy on the NTBA tech site said that was a sign of character.

Drive 'em till they drop.
What I always wanted to do.... priceless.

Today after work, I redid my seat bottom. Nothing major, just added a black seat insert. It was something to do. Pics tomorrow. Afterwards, I gassed her up and cruised around for a while and made my way to Westhiemer Rd. When I was a young buck, Westheimer Rd. was THE cruise spot. Every Friday and Saturday night was owned by guys and their cars. We hung out at various spots along the route, until it just got to where the police wouldn't let up. As I got older I stopped going. During those times, I had a couple decent cruisers. A cherry '66 Mustang coupe and later a '67 Camaro. Both were decent, but nothing to write home about. I always wanted a car that would get the "Oooooh's and Ahhhhh's".

So, tonight, I treated myself to some "oooh's and ahhhh's". Had a few people take pics at a couple stop lights and got my fair share of nods and thumbs up. Ain't nothing cooler than cruisin' the strip in a hot rod. The only thing missing was my Def Lepard tape playing in the background. All those months of hard work paid off tonight. If she breaks tomorrow and I never get her fixed, I don't care. Tonight, I lived what I had dreamed for 30+ years. It was all worth it.

Sorry I didn't get any pics, it was an impromtu cruise. I was living a moment and I just wanted to have fun. I think I earned it.
Re: What I always wanted to do.... priceless.

tfeverfred said:
...Tonight, I lived what I had dreamed for 30+ years. It was all worth it...

Ain't some days just grand! My favorites have been doing a ride on the Bikes with two buddies of mine that go back pushing 35 years... We did Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and into California... was on of the best two weeks in my life...

Then would have to be riding to Sturgis... 9 of use... 10 days... awesome!

Then clearly the day my T-bucket was done... or more accurately the morning it was done... had to clear the driveway to get it loaded onto a trailer...


Got her cleaned up and ready for the show... nervious as all get out... indoor shows are tough!


and at the end of the show... well... it went well :razz:


Yep... best in class

While that was all well and good... driving it and watching all the reactions to it is simply the most fun of all...
LumenAl, you and some of the other guys on here are such an inspiration.
I'm watching the weather now, to see if it will clear up for a little burger stand hang out I found about. I got Miss Behavin' all gussied up for the regulars. I hope she presents herself well.
Seat update and other stuff.

Well, I learned new respect for the upholstrey guys yesturday. I had wanted to add a little firmer padding in the center section of my seat and add a bolster pad to the front and side sections. In my mind it seemed easy and I even drew up a plan of attack. Well, let's just say it was a struggle. I went to Walmart and found the extra firm padding and picked up some more material. The lady says they are going to discontinue it, so next payday, I'll stock up on it.

I removed my old material and trimmed the foam for the area I wanted to add the insert. Then I covered the new foam with black material. I then stapled it in place and tried to cover the remainder in my red material. The problem I had was that I couldn't get it to look good and meet my standards. So, I removed the black material on the center foam insert and recovered the whole seat bottom the way I had it before. The firm center section does make a difference. Guys, I didn't get pics. I was trying so hard to make this work that I couldn't get out the camera. All I can say is, next time you meet a guy who does upholstery, shake his hand.:lol:

I will do a little more research on basic upholstery techniques and will try again one day, but I had planned on cruising to a local hangout I got wind of and wanted my car to look decent, so I'll try this again another time.

Well, I drove to where the spot was and no one showed up. Maybe I got the days wrong or maybe they just don't hang out there anymore. Never the less, I had a nice evening drive and got some good night driving in.

In a little while, I'm going up to clean my car and check her out for a little afternoon run and I'll give an update on the tires that I painted and let you know how the painted white letters are holding out. I'll make sure to get pics of the tires and the seat.
Re: "I can see clearly now....."

This is a really cool project. I like the raked stance, and the grill shell, and the brass looking mirrors. For some reason I have a soft spot for brass hardware, and Grade 8 because its a similar color.
I was going to take a couple pics of my seat redo and a shot of how the rubber paint has held up on the rear tires. Well, I started cleaning up my car and next thing I know..... I'm out cruisin' around!:confused::rolleyes:

So, no pics, but I don't think you needed them anyway. The tire is still black and looks great. The seat looks just like the other pics. There.

Now, I was trolling around on the HAMB (my favorite place for good reading) and found this passage that, for me, describes this hot rod madness that we all share and the trials of trying to explain it to the people who ask, "What is that?". It was posted by "FivewindowJohnnie". I hope you can relate. I sure can.

"The experience of hot rods cannot be explained substantially to those unfamiliar. It cannot be shared with the unfeeling, it cannot be defined without prior knowledge. It's either a part of you or it isn't and nothing can change that. Such is the nature of the soul and such is the way of the hot rod."
Well Fred, I finally got to see your car. Love that car. Can only hope mine is as nice. It was great talking to last week. I'll be sending you some pictures soon.

thomas said:
Well Fred, I finally got to see your car. Love that car. Can only hope mine is as nice. It was great talking to last week. I'll be sending you some pictures soon.


Thanks, thomas. It's good to have you back with us. I'm looking forward to seeing your car and it was really good to hear from you and get an update. You're just good people and in the grand scheme of things, that's what counts.
Hey Fred, if you get a chance, try and find some Sid Chavers videos.
he is a master of upholstry.
a guy over at the RRT turned me onto a couple of his videos. let me look tonight and see if I still have them, if so, you are welcome to them.
they are VERY informative, and Sid does a great job showing how its done


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