All that glitters...
... is sometimes CRAP!

Today,I got ready for a morning cruise because Houston is expecting rain this afternoon. So, I check out my car and crank her over. As, I'm looking at the engine, I notice a small spot of antifreeze on my thermostat housing. I go to use my finger to wipe it off and water/antifreeze starts dribbling, then spraying out of the housing! I shut her down and have a look. I wipe the housing clean and there's a hole in the housing.
It's a chrome thermostat housing that I got from the auto parts store. Made by Mr. Gasket. A company I have trusted for a long time. The metal was paper thin and with light pressure, the hole just got bigger. Here's some pics:
Sorry for the bad pic quality, but I think you see the problem. Well, my only course of action was to go back to the auto parts store and get a replacement. Since I didn't have the reciept, they wouldn't replace it for free. No worries, just another place I no longer do business with.
I think I still have the original OEM laying around somewhere and will clean it up and use it instead of this chrome plated crap. For those interested, here is a scan of the package with the part#:
As expected, the back label has those words that are a sign of our times, "Made in China".
Now, maybe I just got a bad one or maybe not. You make up your own mind. All I know is, sometimes, having the shiney stuff is for show ONLY. In the end, sometimes, there's no replacement for the gennie stuff. Of course, you now have to check where that is made also.

I put on the new crap and got on the road. I had a nice little drive and relieved my little stress test for the day. But again.... BUYER BEWARE!