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tfeverfred's project

I would also like to see the videos as Sid is THE best at doing rolled and pleated interiors.But i cant aford them so when Frds done could i have a look?I will ship them back.
All that glitters...

... is sometimes CRAP!:mad: Today,I got ready for a morning cruise because Houston is expecting rain this afternoon. So, I check out my car and crank her over. As, I'm looking at the engine, I notice a small spot of antifreeze on my thermostat housing. I go to use my finger to wipe it off and water/antifreeze starts dribbling, then spraying out of the housing! I shut her down and have a look. I wipe the housing clean and there's a hole in the housing.

It's a chrome thermostat housing that I got from the auto parts store. Made by Mr. Gasket. A company I have trusted for a long time. The metal was paper thin and with light pressure, the hole just got bigger. Here's some pics:



Sorry for the bad pic quality, but I think you see the problem. Well, my only course of action was to go back to the auto parts store and get a replacement. Since I didn't have the reciept, they wouldn't replace it for free. No worries, just another place I no longer do business with.

I think I still have the original OEM laying around somewhere and will clean it up and use it instead of this chrome plated crap. For those interested, here is a scan of the package with the part#:


As expected, the back label has those words that are a sign of our times, "Made in China".

Now, maybe I just got a bad one or maybe not. You make up your own mind. All I know is, sometimes, having the shiney stuff is for show ONLY. In the end, sometimes, there's no replacement for the gennie stuff. Of course, you now have to check where that is made also.:confused::mad:

I put on the new crap and got on the road. I had a nice little drive and relieved my little stress test for the day. But again.... BUYER BEWARE!
Re: All that glitters...

LumenAl said:
Probably just a bad casting that slipped my QC... Bet ya if you send it back to Mister Gasket with a letter telling them what happened, they'd send ya a new one... Just put in on your spare parts bin... someday you'll need one.

That might be a good idea. I'll send it off tomorrow and post results. I've always had good results from them and was actually really sirprised. I hope it was just a bad one.
Most all those chrome do dads are out-sourced these days to the lowest bidder. Cheap chrome, bad casting etc.etc. One thing worth mentioning, I've never had much luck sealing chrome housings, they all seem to weep first then leak second. The best luck I've had was to remove the chrome from the mounting flange, but even then seems to be hit and miss. What have you all done to combat stubborn housing leaks. I've tried permatex, silicone etc. etc..
Sorry Fred, I forgot all about those Sid Chavers videos.:o
let me look tonight.

sstock said:
Most all those chrome do dads are out-sourced these days to the lowest bidder. Cheap chrome, bad casting etc.etc. One thing worth mentioning, I've never had much luck sealing chrome housings, they all seem to weep first then leak second. The best luck I've had was to remove the chrome from the mounting flange, but even then seems to be hit and miss. What have you all done to combat stubborn housing leaks. I've tried permatex, silicone etc. etc..

Actually, I try not to use chrome stuff for the reasons you mentioned. With valve covers, I have never had a problem and this housing had a rubber o-ring instead of a gasket. So, I gave it a shot. I was very surprised.

I have known guys who NEVER got chrome timing chain covers or oil pans to not leak, so I never even consider using them on a driver. I can't find my old housing, but may try and find one at the junk yard. It's just good that I noticed the leak before going. Could have made for a bad day.
Coupefreak said:
Sorry Fred, I forgot all about those Sid Chavers videos.:o
let me look tonight.


Take your time, man. When I try again, it's going to be a rainy day project. I checked on some better upholstery material and I think that will make a big difference.
tfeverfred said:
Take your time, man. When I try again, it's going to be a rainy day project. I checked on some better upholstery material and I think that will make a big difference.

I guess I sent them to somebody at the other board.:confused:
even the Mrs. couldn't find them, so they must be gone;)

I've always avoided the chrome/oring jobs like that. They usually leak. Nothing beats a good cast-iron OEM therm housing. Last one I bought was around six or seven bucks at the FLAPS. Four Seasons part number 84823.
Carb change

Hoping to gain a few MPG's, I got a really great deal on an 600 CFM Edelbrock Performer carb from Mikey. There was nothing wrong with my Quadrajet, but I had played with the thought of swapping it out for a while. Mikey made me an offer I couldn't refuse and I installed it Thursday evening.

Results? No change in MPG, but the throttle response is better and well, it just looks so darn cool! Edelbrock makes some really nice carbs and adjusting it was a snap.

The carb came without a choke installed, but the temps in Houston are hot (lows in the mid 70's) and she kicks over and runs fine without it. I may install one when the weather cools down, but due to Al Gore's global warming, it probably won't be until December!:cry:

Very nice Fred i took the Holley of and bought a new Edelbrock for mine also.It.s been trouble free for a month and a half now.Thats the same air cleaner i have and a engine builder here told me to ditch it as the air flow is somewhat restricted and could run a little rich.Your looking good Fred.Keep the pics coming.
Rick said:
Very nice Fred i took the Holley of and bought a new Edelbrock for mine also.It.s been trouble free for a month and a half now.Thats the same air cleaner i have and a engine builder here told me to ditch it as the air flow is somewhat restricted and could run a little rich.Your looking good Fred.Keep the pics coming.

Thanks Rick. In the instructions that I got on their website, they recommend a 14" air cleaner and I'm sure there is a good reason for that, but man, that sure would look cheesy. I think I've got it adjusted pretty good and she idles great with no stumbling.

In after thought, it seems the only real advantage I gained over the Quadrajet was looks and sometimes that's enough. Mikey gave me a good deal on the carb and I had to go for it.
Looks nice setting there,,,:cool:
Never hurts to have a little extra twinkle on your engine. Looks good Fred.

IMHO most of us are OVERCARBED. I don't believe we really need over a 500 cfm from what I've read and calculated on my stock 302".
butch27 said:
IMHO most of us are OVERCARBED. I don't believe we really need over a 500 cfm from what I've read and calculated on my stock 302".

You just may be correct, Butch. I have heard that before and I was curious as to why Edelbrock recommended the 500 as well as the 600 for a stock SBC. I have also read that the Quadrajet comes out to 600CFM.

The 500 seems like it would be the way to go and yet, the 600 is seen everywhere. Can anyone chime in on this? I'm not changing the 600 because it seems to work very well, but it would be interesting to see what other opinions are.

EDIT: I made a thread for this because it will get more responses. Please post your responses there for the benefit of everyone.
Yeah Fred, I have a 600 cfm Edlebrockw/ electric chock on mine and it needs to be toned down some more. I took the cheesy flat 14" air cleaner off and replaced it with a 3'X 8" Summit velocity stack and washable air filter. I always liked the modified stock car look plus it gives some height w/ the tall windshield.

Mine is running a little on the rich side (which does keep heat down). Watch for leakage out if the thtottle shaft bushings. I haven't pulled the top off yet to varify the float level. Holley's have the advantage there with external float adjustments.

Throttle response is crisp though and the added bling is a plus too. You have a good looking package.

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